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use code defined in error case in the server
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maxtori committed Jun 25, 2024
1 parent cd55eef commit 2823fb4
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Showing 3 changed files with 29 additions and 13 deletions.
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion src/common/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ type ('args, 'input, 'output, 'error, 'security) t = {

let make =
fun ?(meth : Meth.t =`GET) ?(params=[]) ?(security=[]) ?(errors=[])
fun ?(meth : Meth.t =`GET) ?(params=[]) ?(security=[]) ?(errors=[])
?(access_control=[]) ~input ~output path ->
{ path ; input ; output; errors; meth; params; security; access_control }

Expand All @@ -75,3 +75,14 @@ let params s = s.params
let access_control s = s.access_control

let error s ~code = Err.get ~code s.errors

let errors_handler s e =
let rec aux = function
| [] ->
let Err.Case {encoding; code; select; _} = Err.catch_all_error_case () in
code, EzEncoding.construct encoding (Option.get (select e))
| Err.Case {encoding; code; select; _} :: tl ->
match select e with
| None -> aux tl
| Some x -> code, EzEncoding.construct encoding x in
aux s.errors
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/server/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ type 'a t = {
headers : (string * string) list;

let return ?(code=200) ?(headers=[]) body = Lwt.return {code; body; headers}
let return ?(code= -1) ?(headers=[]) body = Lwt.return {code; body; headers}

let not_found () = return ~code:404 ""

Expand Down
27 changes: 16 additions & 11 deletions src/server/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ let rec resolve :
(resolved_directory, lookup_error) result Lwt.t =
fun prefix dir args path ->
match path, dir with
| [], dir ->
| [], dir ->
Lwt.return_ok (Dir (dir, args))
| _name :: _path, { subdirs = None, None; _ } -> Lwt.return_error `Not_found
| name :: path, { subdirs = Some static, None; _ } ->
Expand All @@ -116,31 +116,36 @@ let rec resolve :
`Cannot_parse (arg.Arg.description, msg, name :: prefix)

(* Note : headers are merged with predefined headers *)
let io_to_answer : type a. code:int -> headers:(string * string) list -> a io -> a -> string Answer.t =
fun ~code ~headers io body ->
let io_to_answer : type a. code:int -> headers:(string * string) list -> a io -> a -> string Answer.t =
fun ~code ~headers io body ->
match io with
| Empty -> {Answer.code; body=""; headers}
| Empty ->
let code = if code = -1 then 204 else code in
{Answer.code; body=""; headers}
| Raw l ->
let content_type = match l with
| [] -> "application/octet-stream"
| h :: _ -> Mime.to_string h in
let code = if code = -1 then 200 else code in
{Answer.code; body; headers=("content-type", content_type)::headers}
| Json enc ->
let code = if code = -1 then 200 else code in
{Answer.code; body = EzEncoding.construct enc body;
headers=("content-type", "application/json")::headers}

let ser_handler :
type i o e. ?content_type:string -> access_control:(string * string) list
type i o e. ?content_type:string -> access_control:(string * string) list
-> ('a -> i -> (o, e) result Answer.t Lwt.t) -> 'a ->
i io -> o io -> e Json_encoding.encoding ->
i io -> o io -> (e -> int * string) ->
string -> (string Answer.t, handler_error) result Lwt.t =
fun ?content_type ~access_control handler args input output errors ->
let handle_result {Answer.code; body; headers} =
let handle_result {Answer.code; body; headers} =
match body with
| Ok o -> io_to_answer ~code ~headers:(headers @ access_control) output o
| Error e ->
{Answer.code; body = EzEncoding.construct errors e;
headers=("content-type", "application/json")::access_control }
let c, body = errors e in
let code = if code = -1 then c else code in
{Answer.code; body; headers=("content-type", "application/json")::access_control }
match input with
| Empty -> (fun _ ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,7 +199,7 @@ let lookup ?meth ?content_type dir r path : (lookup_ok, lookup_error) result Lwt
(* Todo : combine access control headers correctly. *)
let access_control = List.fold_left (fun acc (_,rs) -> match rs with
| Http {service; _} when acc = [] -> Service.access_control service
| _ -> acc) [] l in
| _ -> acc) [] l in
let meths = Meth.headers @@ fst l in
let sec_set = List.fold_left (fun acc (_, rs) -> match rs with
| Http {service; _} -> Security.StringSet.union acc (Security.headers ( service))
Expand All @@ -207,7 +212,7 @@ let lookup ?meth ?content_type dir r path : (lookup_ok, lookup_error) result Lwt
| _, Some (Http {service; handler}) ->
let input = Service.input service in
let output = Service.output service in
let errors = Service.errors_encoding service in
let errors = Service.errors_handler service in
let access_control = Service.access_control service in
let h = ser_handler ?content_type ~access_control handler args input output errors in
Lwt.return_ok @@ `http h
Expand Down

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