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Improve how input file format is handle
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ACoquereau committed Mar 27, 2020
1 parent 2a7c2fd commit e393306
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Showing 9 changed files with 232 additions and 130 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions sources/lib/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -330,9 +330,9 @@ module Make(SAT : Sat_solver_sig.S) : S with type sat_env = SAT.t = struct
report_loc Loc.dummy time steps

let print_status status steps =
if Options.output_smtlib () then print_status_output_smtlib status steps
else if Options.output_native () then print_status_valid_mode status steps
else assert false (* will be useful for szs *)
match Options.output_format () with
| Smtlib2 -> print_status_output_smtlib status steps
| Native | Why3 | Unknown _ -> print_status_valid_mode status steps

let init_with_replay_used acc f =
assert (Sys.file_exists f);
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion sources/lib/structures/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -185,7 +185,10 @@ let report fmt = function

let error e l = raise (Error(e,l))
let warning e l =
if Options.output_smtlib () then Format.fprintf err_formatter "; ";
begin match Options.output_format () with
| Smtlib2 -> Format.fprintf err_formatter "; ";
| Native | Why3 | Unknown _ -> ()
end; err_formatter l;
report err_formatter e;
Format.eprintf "@."
197 changes: 137 additions & 60 deletions sources/lib/util/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,47 @@ exception Error of bool * string

type model = MNone | MDefault | MAll | MComplete

let model_parser = function
| "none" -> Ok MNone
| "default" -> Ok MDefault
| "complete" -> Ok MComplete
| "all" -> Ok MAll
| s ->
Error (`Msg ("Option --model does not accept the argument \"" ^ s))

let model_to_string = function
| MNone -> "none"
| MDefault -> "default"
| MComplete -> "complete"
| MAll -> "all"

let model_printer fmt model = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (model_to_string model)

let model_conv = Arg.conv ~docv:"MDL" (model_parser, model_printer)

type input_format = Native | Smtlib2 | Why3 (* | SZS *) | Unknown of string
type output_format = input_format

let format_parser = function
| "native" | "altergo" | "alt-ergo" -> Ok Native
| "smtlib2" | "smt-lib2" -> Ok Smtlib2
| "why3" -> Ok Why3
(* | "szs" | "SZS" -> "szs" *)
| s ->
Error (`Msg (Format.sprintf
"The format %s is not accepted as input/output" s))

let format_to_string = function
| Native -> "native"
| Smtlib2 -> "smtlib2"
| Why3 -> "why3"
| Unknown s -> Format.sprintf "Unknown %s" s

let format_printer fmt format =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (format_to_string format)

let format_conv = Arg.conv ~docv:"FMT" (format_parser, format_printer)

let vtimers = ref false

let vfile = ref ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,12 +173,26 @@ let vno_backward = ref false
let vno_sat_learning = ref false
let vinstantiate_after_backjump = ref false
let vdisable_weaks = ref false
let vinput_format = ref "ae"
let vanswers_with_loc = ref true

type output = ONative | OSmtlib | OSZS
(* vinfer_input_format controls whether input format
should be inferred by alt-ergo.
It's set to true by default and set to false when an input format is set.
The inference is done at parsing (in using the extension of the
input file and regarding of this extension,
the corresponding parser is choosed *)
let vinfer_input_format = ref true
let vinput_format = ref Native

(* vinfer_output_format controls whether output format
should be inferred by alt-ergo.
It's set to true by default and set to false when an outpu format is set.
The inference is done at parsing (in using the extension of the
input file and regarding of this extension,
the corresponding output_format is choosed *)
let vinfer_output_format = ref true
let voutput_format = ref ONative
let voutput_format = ref Native

let vinline_lets = ref false

let vreplay = ref false
Expand All @@ -148,6 +203,13 @@ let vsave_used_context = ref false
let vprofiling_period = ref 0.
let vprofiling = ref false

let match_extension e =
match e with
| ".ae" -> Native
| ".smt2" | ".psmt2" -> Smtlib2
| ".why" | ".mlw" -> Why3
(* | ".szs" -> SZS *)
| s -> Unknown s

(* We don't want to handle functions with more than 10 arguments so
we need to split the debug options to gather them in the end.
Expand All @@ -157,15 +219,38 @@ let vprofiling = ref false
to allow the adding of new ones in the right group

(* type rules = RParsing | RTyping | RSat | RCC | RArith | RNone *)
type rules = RParsing | RTyping | RSat | RCC | RArith | RNone

let value_of_rules = function
| RParsing -> 0
| RTyping -> 1
| RSat -> 2
| RCC -> 3
| RArith -> 4
| RNone -> -1

let rules_parser = function
| "parsing" -> Ok RParsing
| "typing" -> Ok RTyping
| "sat" -> Ok RSat
| "cc" -> Ok RCC
| "arith" -> Ok RArith
| "none" -> Ok RNone
| s ->
Error (`Msg ("Option --rules does not accept the argument \"" ^ s))

let rules_to_string = function
| RParsing -> "parsing"
| RTyping -> "typing"
| RSat -> "sat"
| RCC -> "cc"
| RArith -> "arith"
| RNone -> "none"

(* let rules_of_string = function *)
(* | "parsing" -> RParsing *)
(* | "typing" -> RTyping *)
(* | "sat" -> RSat *)
(* | "cc" -> RCC *)
(* | "arith" -> RArith *)
(* | _ -> RNone *)
let rules_printer fmt rules = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (rules_to_string rules)

let rules_conv = Arg.conv ~docv:"MDL" (rules_parser, rules_printer)

type dbg_opt_spl1 = {
debug : bool;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,7 +314,7 @@ type execution_opt =
answers_with_loc : bool;
frontend : string;
input_format : string;
input_format : input_format;
parse_only : bool;
parsers : string list;
preludes : string list;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,7 +343,7 @@ type output_opt =
interpretation : int;
model : model;
output_format : output;
output_format : output_format;
unsat_core : bool;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,14 +426,7 @@ let mk_dbg_opt_spl2 debug_explanations debug_fm debug_fpa debug_gc
let mk_dbg_opt_spl3 debug_split debug_sum debug_triggers debug_types
debug_typing debug_uf debug_unsat_core debug_use debug_warnings rules
let rules = match rules with
| "parsing" -> 0
| "typing" -> 1
| "sat" -> 2
| "cc" -> 3
| "arith" -> 4
| _ -> -1
let rules = value_of_rules rules in
`Ok {debug_split; debug_sum; debug_triggers; debug_types; debug_typing;
debug_uf; debug_unsat_core; debug_use; debug_warnings; rules;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,7 +459,12 @@ let mk_execution_opt frontend input_format parse_only parsers
preludes no_locs_in_answers type_only type_smt2
let answers_with_loc = not no_locs_in_answers in
let input_format = "." ^ input_format in

vinfer_input_format := input_format = None;
let input_format = match input_format with
| None -> Native
| Some fmt -> fmt
`Ok {answers_with_loc; input_format; parse_only; parsers; frontend;
type_only; type_smt2; preludes;}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -420,24 +503,10 @@ let mk_limit_opt age_bound fm_cross_limit timelimit_interpretation

let mk_output_opt interpretation model unsat_core output_format
let model = match model with
| "none" -> MNone
| "default" -> MDefault
| "complete" -> MComplete
| "all" -> MAll
| _ ->
let m = "Option --model does not accept the argument \"" ^ model in
raise (Error (false, m))
vinfer_output_format :=
(match output_format with Some _ -> false | None -> true);
vinfer_output_format := output_format = None;
let output_format = match output_format with
| None | Some "native" -> ONative
| Some "smtlib" -> OSmtlib
| Some "szs" | Some "OSZS" -> OSZS
| Some fmt ->
let m = "Option --output does not accept the argument \"" ^ fmt in
raise (Error (false, m))
| None -> Native
| Some fmt -> fmt
`Ok { interpretation; model; unsat_core; output_format; }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -555,7 +624,10 @@ let mk_opts file case_split_opt context_opt dbg_opt execution_opt _
(match file with
| Some f ->
vfile := f;
let base_file = Filename.chop_extension f in
let base_file = try
Filename.chop_extension f
with Invalid_argument _ -> f
vsession_file := base_file^".agr";
vused_context_file := base_file;
| _ -> ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -835,7 +907,7 @@ let parse_dbg_opt_spl3 =
let doc =
"$(docv) = parsing|typing|sat|cc|arith, output rules used on stderr." in
let docv = "TR" in
Arg.(value & opt string "" & info ["rules"] ~docv ~docs ~doc) in
Arg.(value & opt rules_conv RNone & info ["rules"] ~docv ~docs ~doc) in

Term.(ret (const mk_dbg_opt_spl3 $

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -895,8 +967,9 @@ let parse_context_opt =
Arg.(value & flag & info ["replay"] ~docs ~doc) in

let replay_all_used_context =
let doc = "Replay with all axioms and predicates saved in $(i,.used) files \
of the current directory." in
let doc =
"Replay with all axioms and predicates saved in $(i,.used) files \
of the current directory." in
Arg.(value & flag & info ["replay-all-used-context"] ~docs ~doc) in

let replay_used_context =
Expand All @@ -923,13 +996,14 @@ let parse_execution_opt =
Arg.(value & opt string !vfrontend & info ["frontend"] ~docv ~docs ~doc) in

let input_format =
let doc =
"Set the default input format to $(docv). Useful when the extension \
does not allow to automatically select a parser (eg. JS mode, GUI \
mode, ...)." in
let doc = Format.sprintf
"Set the default input format to $(docv) and must be %s. \
Useful when the extension does not allow to automatically select \
a parser (eg. JS mode, GUI mode, ...)."
(Arg.doc_alts ["native"; "smtlib"; "why3"]) in
let docv = "FMT" in
Arg.(value & opt string !vinput_format &
info ["i"; "input"] ~docv ~doc) in
Arg.(value & opt (some format_conv) None & info ["i"; "input"] ~docv ~doc)

let parse_only =
let doc = "Stop after parsing." in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1080,24 +1154,27 @@ let parse_output_opt =
"Experimental support for models on labeled terms. \
$(docv) must be %s. %s shows a complete model and %s shows \
all models."
(Arg.doc_alts ["default"; "complete"; "all"])
(Arg.doc_alts ["none"; "default"; "complete"; "all"])
(Arg.doc_quote "complete") (Arg.doc_quote "all") in
let docv = "VAL" in
Arg.(value & opt string "none" & info ["m"; "model"] ~docv ~doc) in
Arg.(value & opt model_conv MNone & info ["m"; "model"] ~docv ~doc) in

let unsat_core =
let doc = "Experimental support for unsat-cores." in
Arg.(value & flag & info ["u"; "unsat-core"] ~doc) in

let output_format =
let doc = Format.sprintf
let doc =
"Answer unsat/sat/unknown instead of Valid/Invalid/I don't know. \
$(docv) must be %s. It must be noticed that not specifying an \
output format will let Alt-Ergo set it according to the file's \
$(docv) must be %s. It must be noticed that not specifying an output \
format will let Alt-Ergo set it according to the input file's \
(Arg.doc_alts ["native"; "smtlib"]) in
(Arg.doc_alts [ "native"; "smtlib" ])
let docv = "FMT" in
Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ["o"; "output"] ~docv ~doc) in
Arg.(value & opt (some format_conv) None & info ["o"; "output"] ~docv ~doc)

Term.(ret (const mk_output_opt $
interpretation $ model $ unsat_core $ output_format
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1636,15 +1713,15 @@ let can_decide_on s =

let no_decisions_on__is_empty () = !vno_decisions_on == Util.SS.empty

let infer_input_format () = !vinfer_input_format
let input_format () = !vinput_format

let answers_with_locs () = !vanswers_with_loc
let output_native () = !voutput_format = ONative
let output_smtlib () = !voutput_format = OSmtlib
let output_szs () = !voutput_format = OSZS
let output_format () = !voutput_format
let infer_output_format () = !vinfer_output_format
let inline_lets () = !vinline_lets

let set_input_format i = vinput_format := "." ^ i
let set_input_format i = vinput_format := i
let set_output_format o = voutput_format := o

(** particular getters : functions that are immediately executed **************)
Expand Down

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