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Stevendeo committed Oct 9, 2023
1 parent 9fc24e4 commit 39b9641
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Showing 3 changed files with 99 additions and 35 deletions.
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions src/bin/common/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ let main () =

let handle_option st_loc name (value : DStd.Term.t) =
match name, value.term with
(* Smtlib2 regular options *)
| ":regular-output-channel", Symbol { name = Simple name; _ } ->
Options.Output.create_channel name
|> Options.Output.set_regular
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -444,6 +445,13 @@ let main () =
| ":random-seed"), _
unsupported_opt name
(* Alt-Ergo custom options *)
| ":profiling", Symbol { name = Simple level; _ } ->
match float_of_string_opt level with
| None -> print_wrn_opt ~name st_loc "nonnegative integer" value
| Some i -> Options.set_profiling true i
| _ ->
unsupported_opt name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -486,9 +494,9 @@ let main () =
print_std Fmt.string Version._version
| ":all-statistics" ->
if Options.get_profiling () then
Printer.print_std "%t" Profiling.print_get_statistics
Printer.print_std "%t" Profiling.print_statistics
Printer.print_smtlib_err "Profiling disactivated (try --profiling)"
warning "Profiling disactivated (try --profiling)"
| ":assertion-stack-levels" ->
unsupported_opt name
| _ ->
Expand Down
118 changes: 87 additions & 31 deletions src/lib/structures/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ type t = {
mutable b_elim : int;
mutable instances_map : inst_info MS.t;
mutable instances_map_printed : bool;

timers : Timers.t Lazy.t
timers : Timers.t

type mode =
Expand All @@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ let nb_prints = ref max_nb_prints

let initial_info = ref true

let state = {
let state = lazy {
decisions = 0;
assumes = 0;
assumes_current_lvl = 0;
Expand All @@ -108,10 +107,16 @@ let state = {

instances_map = MS.empty;
instances_map_printed = false;
timers = lazy (Timers.empty ())
timers = Timers.empty ()

let get_timers () = Lazy.force state.timers
(** Calls the continuation only when the profiling is on.
This allows to only force the state when the profiling is on. *)
let (let*) state f =
if Options.get_profiling () then
f (Lazy.force state)

let get_timers () = (Lazy.force state).timers

let set_sigprof () =
let tm =
Expand All @@ -123,6 +128,7 @@ let set_sigprof () =
{ Unix.it_value = tm; Unix.it_interval = 0. })

let init () =
let state = Lazy.force state in
state.decisions <- 0;
state.assumes <- 0;
state.queries <- 0;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,15 +157,20 @@ let init () =
(* update functions of the internal state *)

let assume nb =
let* state = state in
state.assumes <- nb + state.assumes;
state.assumes_current_lvl <- nb + state.assumes_current_lvl

let query () = state.queries <- state.queries + 1
let query () =
let* state = state in
state.queries <- state.queries + 1

let instances l =
let* state = state in
state.instances <- state.instances + List.length l

let instantiation ilvl =
let* state = state in
state.instantiation_rounds <- state.instantiation_rounds + 1;
state.instantiation_lvl <- state.instantiation_lvl + 1;
if not (state.instantiation_lvl = ilvl) then begin
Expand All @@ -170,12 +181,15 @@ let instantiation ilvl =

let bool_conflict () =
let* state = state in
state.b_conflicts <- state.b_conflicts + 1

let theory_conflict () =
let* state = state in
state.th_conflicts <- state.th_conflicts + 1

let bcp_conflict b1 b2 =
let* state = state in
if b1 && b2 then
state.bcp_b_conflicts <- state.bcp_b_conflicts + 1
else if (not b1) && (not b2) then
Expand All @@ -184,20 +198,24 @@ let bcp_conflict b1 b2 =
state.bcp_mix_conflicts <- state.bcp_mix_conflicts + 1

let red b =
let* state = state in
if b then
state.b_red <- state.b_red + 1
state.t_red <- state.t_red + 1

let elim b =
let* state = state in
if b then
state.b_elim <- state.b_elim + 1
state.t_elim <- state.t_elim + 1

let reset_ilevel n = state.instantiation_lvl <- n
let reset_ilevel n =
let* state = state in state.instantiation_lvl <- n

let reset_dlevel n = state.decision_lvl <- n
let reset_dlevel n =
let* state = state in state.decision_lvl <- n

let empty_inst_info loc =
Expand All @@ -214,6 +232,7 @@ let empty_inst_info loc =

let new_instance_of axiom inst loc kept =
let* state = state in
let () = state.instances_map_printed <- false in
let ii =
try MS.find axiom state.instances_map
Expand All @@ -229,6 +248,7 @@ let new_instance_of axiom inst loc kept =
state.instances_map <- MS.add axiom ii state.instances_map

let conflicting_instance axiom loc =
let* state = state in
let ii =
try MS.find axiom state.instances_map
with Not_found -> empty_inst_info loc
Expand All @@ -238,6 +258,7 @@ let conflicting_instance axiom loc =
state.instances_map <- MS.add axiom ii state.instances_map

let decision_on_instance axiom_name =
let* state = state in
let ii =
MS.find axiom_name state.instances_map
Expand All @@ -249,6 +270,7 @@ let decision_on_instance axiom_name =

let decision d origin =
let* state = state in
state.decisions <- state.decisions + 1;
state.decision_lvl <- state.decision_lvl + 1;
if state.decision_lvl <> d then begin
Expand All @@ -265,6 +287,7 @@ let decision d origin =

let register_produced_terms axiom loc consumed all produced _new =
let* state = state in
let ii =
try MS.find axiom state.instances_map
with Not_found -> empty_inst_info loc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,8 +327,7 @@ let current_timer () = Timers.current_timer (get_timers ())
- Is the column linked to a statistic (Some true), a timer (Some false) or
not (None)?
- Data formatter
Todo(Steven): use Pierre's solution with Printbox and put these function where
they belong (the trash).
Todo(Steven): use Pierre's solution with Printbox
let columns : (string * string * int * bool option * 'a) list =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,63 +363,97 @@ let columns : (string * string * int * bool option * 'a) list =

"ilvl", "Current Instantiaton level", 6, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.instantiation_lvl sz);
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.instantiation_lvl sz);

"#i rnds", "Number of intantiation rounds", 8, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.instantiation_rounds sz);

"#insts", "Number of generated instances", 8, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.instances sz);
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.instances sz);

"i/r", "AVG number of generated instances per instantiation rounds",
8, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
(state.instances / (max 1 state.instantiation_rounds)) sz);

"dlvl", "Current Decision level", 6, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.decision_lvl sz);
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.decision_lvl sz);

"#decs", "Number of decisions", 6, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.decisions sz);
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.decisions sz);

"T-asm", "Number of calls to Theory.assume", 6, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.assumes sz);
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.assumes sz);

"T/d", "Number of Theory.assume after last decision", 6, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.assumes_current_lvl sz);
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.assumes_current_lvl sz);

"T-qr", "Number of calls to Theory.query", 15, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.queries sz);
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.queries sz);

"B-R", "Number of reduced clauses by Boolean propagation", 6, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.b_red sz);
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.b_red sz);

"B-E", "Number of eliminated clauses by Boolean propagation", 6,
Some true, (fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.b_elim sz);
Some true, (fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.b_elim sz);

"T-R", "Number of reduced clauses by Theory propagation", 6, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.t_red sz);
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.t_red sz);

"T-E", "Number of eliminated clauses by Theory propagation", 6,
Some true, (fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.t_elim sz);
Some true, (fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.t_elim sz);

"B-!", "Number of direct Boolean conflicts", 5, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.b_conflicts sz);
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.b_conflicts sz);

"T-!", "Number of direct Theory conflicts" , 5, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.th_conflicts sz);
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.th_conflicts sz);

"B>!", "Number of Boolean conflicts deduced by BCP", 5, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.bcp_b_conflicts sz);
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.bcp_b_conflicts sz);

"T>!", "Number of Theory conflicts deduced by BCP", 5, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.bcp_th_conflicts sz);
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.bcp_th_conflicts sz);

"M>!", "Number of Mix conflicts deduced by BCP", 5, Some true,
(fun _ _ sz -> int_resize state.bcp_mix_conflicts sz);
(fun _ _ sz ->
let state = Lazy.force state in
int_resize state.bcp_mix_conflicts sz);

"SAT", "Time spent in SAT module(s)", 16, Some false,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -714,14 +770,14 @@ let register_float_stat (key : string) (getter : unit -> float) =
(fun () ->
Format.sprintf "%.9f" (getter ()))

let print_get_statistics fmt =
Format.fprintf fmt "(@[<v 0>@,";
let print_statistics fmt = fmt "(@[<v 0>@,";
(fun key getter -> Format.fprintf fmt ":%s %s@," key (getter ()))
(fun key getter -> fmt ":%s %s@," key (getter ()))
Format.fprintf fmt "@])@," fmt "@])@,"

(* Now, registering the statistics we want in get-statistics. *)
(* Now, registering the statistics we want in (get-info :all-statistics). *)
let () =
register_int_stat "steps" (fun () -> Steps.get_steps ());
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/structures/profiling.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,5 +66,5 @@ val switch : Format.formatter -> unit

val get_timers : unit -> Timers.t

(** Prints the statistics for the SMT instruction get-statistics *)
val print_get_statistics : Format.formatter -> unit
(** Prints the statistics for the SMT statement (get-info :all-statistics). *)
val print_statistics : Format.formatter -> unit

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