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Merge pull request #22 from Nuxify/feature/provide-outline-chip-selector #21

Merge pull request #22 from Nuxify/feature/provide-outline-chip-selector

Merge pull request #22 from Nuxify/feature/provide-outline-chip-selector #21

Workflow file for this run

name: Build Static Website branch from Widgetbook directory from branch release/widgetbook-production
# Runs on pushes targeting the default branch
branches: ["main"]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Flutter
uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2
channel: "stable"
flutter-version: "3.19.6"
- name: Clean flutter to be able to generate flutter.js every build
run: flutter clean
working-directory: ./widgetbook
- name: Install dependencies
run: flutter pub get
working-directory: ./widgetbook
- name: Build serialize data
run: flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
working-directory: ./widgetbook
- name: Build web
run: flutter build web --web-renderer canvaskit --release
working-directory: ./widgetbook
- name: Set Publish Branch
id: set_publish_branch
run: echo "publish_branch=release/flutter-web-production" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Deploy to GitHub Pages/Branch for release playground
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
github_token: ${{ secrets.PAT_TOKEN }} # We use Personal access token instead of Github token since it is set to create a branch container the static page generated from flutter
publish_dir: widgetbook/build/web
publish_branch: ${{ env.publish_branch }}