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Common Issues

Jason Spafford edited this page Sep 10, 2021 · 3 revisions

  • Q> When the Conan Exiles server starts it opens up an error alert that says The procedure entry point ?IsAlive@CThread@@QEBA_NXZ could not
  • A> This happens when steam is running at the same time. If you close steam the error goes away when launching Conan Exiles.

  • Q> ServerThrall is stuck at Waiting for config to exist
  • A> This can happen if ServerThrall crashes during the updater process. Your configurations may not exist anymore and you need to force an update by using force_update_on_launch = true in your serverthrall.config. I do not recommend leaving that option on.

  • Q> I can't join my own server and I'm playing on the same computer I'm hosting my server on.
  • A> Conan Exiles requires you to set your MULTIHOME for your server to your local IP address. Server thrall attempts to do this for you, but it may be failing depending on your computers network configuration. Check the logs when serverthrall starts the server to see if the IP matches your computers. If not, use the multihome config option documented below to override the setting to the correct ip address.

  • Q> Conan Exiles server won't launch even without ServerThrall
  • A> This can be an issue with OpenSSL. Try this at your own risk.
  1. Open File Explorer
  2. Right Click on "This PC"
  3. Choose Properties
  4. Select Advanced System Settings
  5. Select New under System Variables
  6. Enter the following:
    • Variable name: "OPENSSL_ia32cap"
    • Variable value: ~0x200000200000000
  7. Click Okay