This repository contains the Spider Robot code for Arduino (plus some proof-of-concept code for Raspberry Pi in rpi folder.)
- Arduino Uno
- Arduino power supply or USB cable if powered over USB
- Adafruit PCA9685 PWM driver
- 5 V, 3500 mA power supply
- HC-06 Bluetooth module
- Spider Robot
Arduino and PCA9685 communicate using I2C.
Arduino Uno | PCA9685 |
5V | VCC |
A4 | SDA |
A5 | SCL |
Arduino Uno | HC-06 |
3.3V | VCC |
TX | RXD |
RX | TXD |
Note: When uploading firmware with PC → USB → Arduino, disconnect HC-06 from Arduino board (TX and RX are sufficient). HC-06 interferes with the programming process otherwise.
Servos need a lot of power. To prevent the PWM driver from overload, PCA9685 has a dedicated power connector.
5 V, 3500 mA power supply | PCA9685 dedicated power connector |
+ | V+ |
- | GND |
See define servos' ports in spider_robot_main_code.ino, which servo to connect to which PCA9685 PWM port.
- Unscrew and remove servo arms to make Spider Robot servos rotate freely.
- Compile Scaling_servos.ino and upload it to Arduino. It will move all servos to 90°.
- Move each Spider Robot joint to the neutral position as shown on the picture:
- Reattach servo arms with screws.
This code listens for commands over the Blueetooth and executes requested move.
Compile spider_robot_main_code.ino and upload it to Arduino.