This is an interpreter for a minimal dynamically typed programming language. It currently supports the following data types:
Integers (no floats) Boolean (true, false) Strings (enclosed with double quotes) All C defined Operators except ++ & --
The following built-in functions are currently available to use:
- len() -> returns the length of the string or the array.
- push() -> adds the element to the end of the array.
- join() -> join two arrays into a single array.
- delete() -> returns the array without the deleted item.
- print() -> prints the data to the console.
- exit() -> exits the program by causing it to panic.
- exec() -> execute system command
- info() -> returns system info
- flush() -> clears the console
- str() -> converts types to string
- int() -> converts string to integer
- sizeof() -> returns the size of the object
- alert(message)-> shows the entered message in a GUI windows (only for Windows)
- "=" -> assignment operator
- "%" -> modulo operator
- "-" -> minus operator
- "/" -> division operator
- "*" -> multiplaction operator
- "+" -> sum operator
- ">>" -> right shift operator
- "<<" -> left shift operator
- "!" -> not operator
- "and" -> logical and operator (&&)
- "or" -> logical or operator (||)
- All LT GT Operators (<= => > < == != )
- quote(expression) -> returns the unevaluated expression
- unquote(expression) -> evaluate the expression inside quote
Defining a variable:
let foo = 20;
Defining a function:
let sum = func(x,y) { x + y }; let sum = func(x,y) { return x + y };
Using recursion:
let factorial = func(n) { if (n == 0) { 1 } else { n * factorial(n - 1) } };
Using while loop:
let j = 10 while(j > 0){ print(j) let j = j - 1 }
Using Arrays:
let numbers = [1,3,7,9];
Using Hashes:
let people = [{"name": "Alice", "age": 24}, {"name": "Anna", "age": 28}];
Defining a macro:
let unless = macro(condition, consequence, alternative){ quote(if (!(unquote(condition))) { unquote(consequence); }else { unquote(alternative); }); };
cminus --interpret <filename>
cminus --interpret <filename> --ast <filename>