Leaflet.wms is a great plugin to manange WMS sources. This fork adds some new features
- "Single-tile" auto-updating WMS overlay
- Use single server-composited image for layers coming from the same source
- Layer identify via
- Pull requests welcome!
// Default usage (uses L.WMS.Overlay)
var source = L.WMS.source("http://example.com/mapserv", {
'transparent': true
// Tile mode (Uses L.WMS.TileLayer)
var s = L.WMS.source("http://example.com/mapserv", {
'transparent': true,
'tiled': true
leaflet.wms can be loaded via AMD, CommonJS/Node, and browser global environments.
// AMD example
define(['leaflet', 'leaflet.wms'],
function(L, wms) {
// L.WMS === wms;
var source = wms.source("http://example.com/mapserv");
this leaflet.wms fork provides additional methods: TODO
The following hooks are available:
Name | Description |
getIdentifyLayers() |
Determine which layers to identify (default is all visible layers) |
getFeatureInfoParams(point, layers) |
Generate parameters for WMS GetFeatureInfo request |
ajax(url, callback) |
Actual AJAX call. The default implementation is a rudimentary XMLHttpRequest wrapper. Override this if you want to use jQuery or something with more robust support for older browsers. If you override this, be sure to preserve the value of this when calling the callback function (e.g. callback.call(this, result) ). |
parseFeatureInfo(result, url) |
Parse the AJAX response into HTML |
showFeatureInfo(latlng, info) |
Display parsed AJAX response to the user (e.g in a popup) |
showWaiting() |
Start AJAX wait animation (spinner, etc.) |
hideWaiting() |
Stop AJAX wait animation |