Step 1: * Install Kubectl as command-line tool to run commands again Kubernetes clusters. * Check Enable Kubernetes option in Docker Desktop. Alternative option to Docker Deskop, you can install minikube to run Kubernetes locally (remember to get ip by command minikube ip before access to connect to your local cluster).
Step 2: * Create objects with different kind property (Pod, Deployment, Service...)
Step 3: * Run kubectl apply -f filename
Step 4: * Access to your application by localhost:port
Step 5: * Update Clien Image - Trigger Deployment Update
* Build client image again with a version with it. Run imperative command to update image.
*kubectl set image TypeOfObject/ObjectName ContainerName=NewImage
One secret can contains many key value pair
kubectl create secret generic <secret_name> --from-literal <key_value_pair> (Used for both Mac and Windows)