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Zack edited this page May 9, 2018 · 5 revisions

The result container display the result matching the graph query.

It is generated in the container having the following Id:

popoto.result.containerId = "popoto-results";

The number of result displayed are defined by this property

popoto.result.RESULTS_PAGE_SIZE = 10;

It is possible to register a listener to get the total result count. This listener will be called on every result change with the total result count matching the query.

popoto.result.onTotalResultCount(function (count) {
    // Use total result count here.

It is also possible to register a listener to get the result list to use them. This listener will be called on every result change with the total result count matching the query.

popoto.result.onResultReceived(function (results) {
   // Use results here.