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Merge pull request #379 from Neuroblox/lfp-cmc
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add lfp lead-field blox, add test for cmc inference
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helmutstrey authored Jul 31, 2024
2 parents 0918db7 + fe8bce7 commit 52fdb59
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Showing 8 changed files with 412 additions and 159 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Neuroblox.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ include("utilities/learning_tools.jl")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,6 +211,6 @@ export get_namespaced_sys, nameof
export run_experiment!, run_trial!
export addnontunableparams
export get_weights, get_dynamic_states, get_idx_tagged_vars, get_eqidx_tagged_vars
export BalloonModel, boldsignal_endo_balloon
export BalloonModel,LeadField, boldsignal_endo_balloon

21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions src/blox/connections.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -319,6 +319,27 @@ function (bc::BloxConnector)(

function (bc::BloxConnector)(

sysparts_in = get_blox_parts(bloxin)

bc(bloxout, sysparts_in[1]; kwargs...)

function (bc::BloxConnector)(
sysparts_out = get_blox_parts(bloxout)

bc(sysparts_out[2], bloxin; kwargs...)

# define a sigmoid function
sigmoid(x, r) = one(x) / (one(x) + exp(-r*x))

Expand Down
129 changes: 87 additions & 42 deletions src/datafitting/spectralDCM.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,19 +30,19 @@ mutable struct VLState
dFdθθ::Matrix{Float64} # free energy Hessian w.r.t. parameters

struct VLSetup{Model, N}
struct VLSetup{Model, T1 <: Array{ComplexF64}, T2 <: AbstractArray}
model_at_x0::Model # model evaluated at initial conditions
y_csd::Array{ComplexF64, N} # cross-spectral density approximated by fitting MARs to data
y_csd::T1 # cross-spectral density approximated by fitting MARs to data
tolerance::Float64 # convergence criterion
systemnums::Vector{Int} # several integers -> np: n. parameters, ny: n. datapoints, nq: n. Q matrices, nh: n. hyperparameters
systemvecs::Vector{Vector{Float64}} # μθ_pr: prior expectation values of parameters and μλ_pr: prior expectation values of hyperparameters
systemmatrices::Vector{Matrix{Float64}} # Πθ_pr: prior precision matrix of parameters, Πλ_pr: prior precision matrix of hyperparameters
Q::Matrix{ComplexF64} # linear decomposition of precision matrix of parameters, typically just one matrix, the empirical correlation matrix
Q::T2 # linear decomposition of precision matrix of parameters, typically just one matrix, the empirical correlation matrix

function LinearAlgebra.eigen(M::Matrix{Dual{T, P, np}}) where {T, P, np}
Dispatch of LinearAlgebra.eigen for dual matrices with complex numbers. Make the eigenvalue decomposition
amenable to automatic differentiation. To do so compute the analytical derivative of eigenvalues
and eigenvectors.
Expand All @@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ end
- `Eigen(evals, evecs)`: eigenvalue decomposition returned as type LinearAlgebra.Eigen
function LinearAlgebra.eigen(M::Matrix{Dual{T, P, np}}) where {T, P, np}
nd = size(M, 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ function LinearAlgebra.eigen(M::Matrix{Dual{T, P, np}}) where {T, P, np}
return Eigen(evals, evecs)

function transferfunction_fmri, derivatives, params, indices)
function transferfunction(freq, derivatives, params, indices)
# nr = length(indices[:u])
# pars = params[indices[:dspars]]
# ∂f = derivatives([pars[1:nr^2], pars[nr^2+1:end]...])
Expand All @@ -120,16 +119,16 @@ function transferfunction_fmri(ω, derivatives, params, indices)
∂g∂v = ∂g∂x*V
∂v∂u = V\∂f∂u # u is external variable which we don't use right now. With external variable this would read V/dfdu

= size(ω, 1) # number of frequencies
nfreq = size(freq, 1) # number of frequencies
ng = size(∂g∂x, 1) # number of outputs
nu = size(∂v∂u, 2) # number of inputs
nk = size(V, 2) # number of modes
S = zeros(Complex{real(eltype(∂v∂u))}, , ng, nu)
S = zeros(Complex{real(eltype(∂v∂u))}, nfreq, ng, nu)
for j = 1:nu
for i = 1:ng
for k = 1:nk
# transfer functions (FFT of kernel)
S[:,i,j] .+= (∂g∂v[i,k]*∂v∂u[k,j]) .* ((1im*2*pi) .* ω .- Λ[k]).^-1
S[:,i,j] .+= (∂g∂v[i,k]*∂v∂u[k,j]) .* ((1im*2*pi) .* freq .- Λ[k]).^-1
Expand All @@ -146,59 +145,101 @@ end
Gn in the code corresponds to Ge in the paper, i.e. the observation noise. In the code global and local components are defined, no such distinction
is discussed in the paper. In fact the parameter γ, corresponding to local component is not present in the paper.
function csd_approx(ω, derivatives, params, indices)
function csd_approx(freq, derivatives, params, indices)
# priors of spectral parameters
# ln(α) and ln(β), region specific fluctuations: ln(γ)
= length(ω)
nd = length(indices[:lnγ])
nfreq = length(freq)
nrr = length(indices[:lnγ])
α = params[indices[:lnα]]
β = params[indices[:lnβ]]
γ = params[indices[:lnγ]]

# define function that implements spectra given in equation (2) of the paper "A DCM for resting state fMRI".

# neuronal fluctuations, intrinsic noise (Gu) (1/f or AR(1) form)
G = ω.^(-exp(α[2])) # spectrum of hidden dynamics
G = freq.^(-exp(α[2])) # spectrum of hidden dynamics
G /= sum(G)
Gu = zeros(eltype(G), nω, nd, nd)
Gn = zeros(eltype(G), nω, nd, nd)
for i = 1:nd
Gu = zeros(eltype(G), nfreq, nrr, nrr)
Gn = zeros(eltype(G), nfreq, nrr, nrr)
for i = 1:nrr
Gu[:, i, i] .+= exp(α[1]) .* G
# region specific observation noise (1/f or AR(1) form)
G = ω.^(-exp(β[2])/2)
G = freq.^(-exp(β[2])/2)
G /= sum(G)
for i = 1:nd
for i = 1:nrr
Gn[:,i,i] .+= exp(γ[i])*G

# global components
for i = 1:nd
for j = i:nd
for i = 1:nrr
for j = i:nrr
Gn[:,i,j] .+= exp(β[1])*G
Gn[:,j,i] = Gn[:,i,j]
S = transferfunction_fmri, derivatives, params, indices) # This is K(ω) in the equations of the spectral DCM paper.
S = transferfunction(freq, derivatives, params, indices) # This is K(freq) in the equations of the spectral DCM paper.

# predicted cross-spectral density
G = zeros(eltype(S), nω, nd, nd);
for i = 1:
G = zeros(eltype(S), nfreq, nrr, nrr);
for i = 1:nfreq
G[i,:,:] = S[i,:,:]*Gu[i,:,:]*S[i,:,:]'

return G + Gn

@views function csd_fmri_mtf(freqs, p, derivatives, params, indices) # alongside the above realtes to spm_csd_fmri_mtf.m
G = csd_approx(freqs, derivatives, params, indices)
dt = 1/(2*freqs[end])
# the following two steps are very opaque. They are taken from the SPM code but it is unclear what the purpose of this transformation and back-transformation is
# in particular it is also unclear why the order of the MAR is reduced by 1. My best guess is that this procedure smoothens the results.
# But this does not correspond to any equation in the papers nor is it commented in the SPM12 code. Friston conferms that likely it is
# to make y well behaved.
mar = csd2mar(G, freqs, dt, p-1)
y = mar2csd(mar, freqs)
function csd_approx_lfp(freq, derivatives, params, params_idx)
# priors of spectral parameters
# ln(α) and ln(β), region specific fluctuations: ln(γ)
nfreq = length(freq)
nrr = length(params_idx[:lnγ])
α = reshape(params[params_idx[:lnα]], nrr, nrr)
β = params[params_idx[:lnβ]]
γ = params[params_idx[:lnγ]]

# define function that implements spectra given in equation (2) of the paper "A DCM for resting state fMRI".
Gu = zeros(eltype(α), nfreq, nrr) # spectrum of neuronal innovations or intrinsic noise or system noise
Gn = zeros(eltype(β), nfreq) # global spectrum of channel noise or observation noise or external noise
Gs = zeros(eltype(γ), nfreq) # region specific spectrum of channel noise or observation noise or external noise
for i = 1:nrr
Gu[:, i] .+= exp(α[1, i]) .* freq.^(-exp(α[2, i]))
# global components and region specific observation noise (1/f or AR(1) form)
Gn = exp(β[1] - 2) * freq.^(-exp(β[2]))
Gs = exp(γ[1] - 2) * freq.^(-exp(γ[2])) # this is really oddly implemented in SPM12. Completely unclear how this should be region specific

S = transferfunction(freq, derivatives, params, params_idx) # This is K(freq) in the equations of the spectral DCM paper.

# predicted cross-spectral density
G = zeros(eltype(S), nfreq, nrr, nrr);
for i = 1:nfreq
G[i,:,:] = S[i,:,:]*diagm(Gu[i,:])*S[i,:,:]'

for i = 1:nrr
G[:,i,i] += Gs
for j = 1:nrr
G[:,i,j] += Gn

return G

@views function csd_mtf(freq, p, derivatives, params, params_idx, modality) # alongside the above realtes to spm_csd_fmri_mtf.m
if modality == "fMRI"
G = csd_approx(freq, derivatives, params, params_idx)
dt = 1/(2*freq[end])
# the following two steps are very opaque. They are taken from the SPM code but it is unclear what the purpose of this transformation and back-transformation is
# in particular it is also unclear why the order of the MAR is reduced by 1. My best guess is that this procedure smoothens the results.
# But this does not correspond to any equation in the papers nor is it commented in the SPM12 code. NB: Friston conferms that likely it is
# to make y well behaved.
mar = csd2mar(G, freq, dt, p-1)
y = mar2csd(mar, freq)
elseif modality == "LFP"
y = csd_approx_lfp(freq, derivatives, params, params_idx)
if real(eltype(y)) <: Dual
y_vals = Complex.((p->p.value).(real(y)), (p->p.value).(imag(y)))
y_part = (p->p.partials).(real(y)) + (p->p.partials).(imag(y))*im
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -307,15 +348,15 @@ end
-- `μλ_pr` : prior mean(s) for λ hyperparameter(s)
- `indices` : indices to separate model parameters from other parameters. Needed for the computation of AD gradient.
function setup_sDCM(data, model, initcond, csdsetup, priors, hyperpriors, indices)
function setup_sDCM(data, model, initcond, csdsetup, priors, hyperpriors, indices, modality)
# compute cross-spectral density
dt = csdsetup[:dt]; # order of MAR. Hard-coded in SPM12 with this value. We will use the same for now.
ω = csdsetup[:freq]; # frequencies at which the CSD is evaluated
p = csdsetup[:p]; # order of MAR
dt = csdsetup.dt; # order of MAR. Hard-coded in SPM12 with this value. We will use the same for now.
freq = csdsetup.freq; # frequencies at which the CSD is evaluated
mar_order = csdsetup.mar_order; # order of MAR
_, vars = get_eqidx_tagged_vars(model, "measurement")
data = Matrix(data[:, Symbol.(vars)]) # make sure the column order is consistent with the ordering of variables of the model that represent the measurements
mar = mar_ml(data, p); # compute MAR from time series y and model order p
y_csd = mar2csd(mar, ω, dt^-1); # compute cross spectral densities from MAR parameters at specific frequencies freqs, dt^-1 is sampling rate of data
data = Matrix(data[:, Symbol.(vars)]) # make sure the column order is consistent with the ordering of variables of the model that represent the measurements
mar = mar_ml(data, mar_order); # compute MAR from time series y and model order p
y_csd = mar2csd(mar, freq, dt^-1); # compute cross spectral densities from MAR parameters at specific frequencies freqs, dt^-1 is sampling rate of data
jac_fg = generate_jacobian(model, expression = Val{false})[1] # compute symbolic jacobian.

statevals = [v for v in values(initcond)]
Expand All @@ -325,11 +366,15 @@ function setup_sDCM(data, model, initcond, csdsetup, priors, hyperpriors, indice
Σθ_pr = diagm(vecparam(OrderedDict( .=> priors.variance)))

### Collect prior means and covariances ###
Q = csd_Q(y_csd); # compute functional connectivity prior Q. See Friston etal. 2007 Appendix A
if haskey(hyperpriors, :Q)
Q = hyperpriors[:Q];
Q = csd_Q(y_csd); # compute functional connectivity prior Q. See Friston etal. 2007 Appendix A
nq = 1 # TODO: this is hard-coded, need to make this compliant with csd_Q
nh = size(Q, 3) # number of precision components (this is the same as above, but may differ)

f = params -> csd_fmri_mtf(ω, p, derivatives, params, indices)
f = params -> csd_mtf(freq, mar_order, derivatives, params, indices, modality)

np = length(μθ_pr) # number of parameters
ny = length(y_csd) # total number of response variables
Expand All @@ -348,7 +393,7 @@ function setup_sDCM(data, model, initcond, csdsetup, priors, hyperpriors, indice
zeros(np, np)

#[] = Q, f, y_csd, [np, ny, nq, nh], [μθ_pr, hyperpriors[:μλ_pr]], [inv(Σθ_pr), hyperpriors[:Πλ_pr]]
# variational laplace setup
vlsetup = VLSetup(
f, # function that computes the cross-spectral density at fixed point 'initcond'
Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions src/measurementmodels/lfp.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Lead field function for LFPs
struct LeadField <: ObserverBlox

function LeadField(;name, namespace=nothing, L=1.0)
p = paramscoping(L=L)
L, = p

sts = @variables lfp(t)=0.0 [irreducible=true, output=true, description="measurement"] jcn(t)=1.0 [input=true]

eqs = [
lfp ~ L * jcn

sys = System(eqs, t; name=name)
new(p, Num(0), sts[2], sys, namespace)

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