We assembled species lists, sequence data, and eDNAssay assignment probability for four assays
/genbank_pull = files for pull of sequence data from GenBank August 2023
- nemouridae_genbank_pull = R script; uses nemouridae_species_list.txt as input
- nemouridae_records = sequence information from GenBank
- nemouridae_sequences = fastas from GenBank
- nemouridae_sequences_aligned = fastas after CLUSTAL alignment
/ednassay = files for running eDNAssay model
- LEDN_eDNAssay = R script
- nemouridae_with_oligos = input alignment for eDNAssay
- LEDN_MMs = alignment information parsed by the script for the random forest model
- LEDN_APs = eDNAssay output
nemouridae_species_list = COL list of extant Nemouridae taxa LEDN_summary = summarized eDNAssay assignment probabilities (max) by taxon, with sample size per taxon and genus membership
/genbank_pull = files for pull of sequence data from GenBank August 2023
- didemnidae_genbank_pull = R script; uses didemnidae_species_list.txt as input
- didemnidae_records = sequence information from GenBank
- didemnidae_sequences = fastas from GenBank
- didemnidae_sequences_aligned = fastas after CLUSTAL alignment
/ednassay = files for running eDNAssay model
- DIME_eDNAssay = R script
- didemnidae_with_oligos = input alignment for eDNAssay
- DIME_APs = eDNAssay output
didemnidae_species_list = COL list of extant Didemnidae taxa DIME_summary = summarized eDNAssay assignment probabilities (max) by taxon, with sample size per taxon and genus membership
/genbank_pull = files for pull of sequence data from GenBank August 2023
- cambaridae_genbank_pull = R script; uses cambaridae_species_list.txt as input
- cambaridae_records = sequence information from GenBank
- cambaridae_sequences = fastas from GenBank
- cambaridae_one_representative = thinned to one representative per taxon
- cambaridae_one_representative_aligned = after CLUSTAL alignment
/ednassay = files for running eDNAssay model
- cambaridae_one_representative_oligos = input alignment for eDNAssay
cambariade_species_list = COL list of extant Cambaridae taxa; note that some taxa originally listed as "Orconectes" which are now recognized as "Faxonius" were changed to reflect current taxonomy VIR2_APs = eDNAssay assignment probabilities (one representative each taxon)
/genbank_pull = files for pull of sequence data from GenBank August/Sept 2023
- cyprinidae_genbank_pull = R script; uses cambaridae_species_list.txt as input
- cyprinidae_records = sequence information from GenBank
- cyprinidae_sequences = fastas from GenBank
- cyprinidae_one_representative = thinned to one representative per taxon
/ednassay = files for running eDNAssay model
- due to the large number of sequences, we aligned and predicted assignment probability in batches (1-5 + supplement); n = 6 files with assignment probabilities and n = 12 with alignments and oligo alignments (fasta)
cyprinidae_species_list = COL list of extant Cyprinidae taxa CMCP_all_APs = eDNAssay assignment probabilities (one rep each taxon), pulling from files in /ednassay
- summaries LEDN_, DIME_, VIR2_, CMCP_summary files here; some manual edits for consistent formatting to pull into R scripts
- lednia, didemnum, cambaridae, and cyprinidae R scripts for analyses for each assay (comments in-line for scripts); pulls in script functions.r
- output files from R from four scripts above LEDN_, DIME_, VIR2_, CMCP_
- figures_script for generating figures; images pasted in manually
- appendix_2.R script for comparing weighting schemes; uses input file CMCP_genera.csv
Files here are intended to be a user-friendly way to implement the framework described in the main manuscript. This Markdown file generates a standardized format report. Note that the report does not conduct a goodness-of-fit test to assess suitability of the beta distribution fit to the provided data or conduct rarifaction or bootstrapping of data. Both of these may be useful.
- Specificity_biolerplate = R script and example output file (PDF)
- Example_Genus_Species_AP = example input file for the Markdown boilerplate