FitnessPro App Application for Android and IOS users!
Fitness pro application has been created with react-native for IOS and Android platforms Take a look at the short video here:
React-navigation stack
React-navigation native
React-navigation paper
React-navigation screens
React-navigation material-bottom-tabs
React-navigation drawer
React-navigation picker
React-navigation firestore
React-navigation storage
React-navigation auth
React-navigation community masked-view
React-navigation action-buttom
React-navigation animatable
React-navigation axios
React-navigation dialogs
React-navigation gesture-handler
React-navigation image-crop-picker
React-navigation image-header-scroll-view
React-navigation linear-gradient
React-navigation reanimated
React-navigation safe-area-context
React-navigation vector-iscons
- Enter your password and email
- Enter your details (First/Last name)
- pick a weight/Hight/gender/year or birth
- Pick a program
- Enter your password and email
Add new posts to home screen (pick/take image & text)
Check other users posts (from home screen)
Easy acces by drawer navigation
Add/remove daily food
Add new food to the food list (missing food types)
View added food history
Add recipes to your fav recipes
Add recipes to your daily food
Start exercise program (Easy/medium/advanced)
Edit your profile:
- Your profile picture
- Profile details (First/Last name, phone, country etc.)
- Change your password
- Change your program
- Change your weight
Report a food that has been added by other users due to false info