Coursera is a Web/app project for learning purposes. The project is a website where students can look up and learn about technology, and at the same time learn some basic programming languages through courses. video is attached. Coursera is also a project that helps creators get acquainted and practice with Nodejs and ExpressJs as well as some other libraries.
- Log in / Register
- Reset password by Email
- Add course to Cart
- Search course
- Watch Video in course detail pages
- Read Tech news, and job news
- Add and Edit new course and subcourse for Admin
- Add new job news for Admin
- Edit and add new jobs for Admin
- Apply Cv for users
- Edit Cv for users
- Manage users course for users
- Manage users Cv
- Add and edit Tech news for Admin
- Real time chat
- Edit profile for users
- Get data for admin (courses, users,news, jobs,...)
- [@NVCLong]](
Client: HTML5, CSS3, Handlebars,
Server: Node, Express,
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd NewCoursera
Install dependencies
npm install bcrypt cookie-parser cors express express-handlebars jsonwebtoken jwt-decode mailgen mongoose mongoose-slug-generator morgan node-sass nodemon nodemailer
Start the server
npm start
Javascript, HTML, CSS, Nodejs, Expressjs, Socketio,....
ExpressJs Handlebars nodemailer JWT SocketIo mongoose
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected]