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Installation on Windows 10

cdmgtri edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 2 revisions


How to install and display locally the repository.

  • Install Git

  • Install Jekyll

    • Note: If you have issues with the devkit installation following the installation of Ruby, remove the recent incomplete MSYS2 install using 'Add or remove programs' and follow the instructions here.
  • Check out your fork of

    Create a directory & cd to it. e.g., put repo in home directory under folder called "r" for repo; e.g., ~/r/niem/

    Git clone out your fork of the, from the Windows command line:

    git clone site
  • From the command line,

    Dir> git submodule init
    Dir> git submodule update
  • From the command line, install the right gems:

    Dir> gem install github-pages bundler


  • From the command line,

    Dir> bundle install
    Dir> bundle exec jekyll serve

Slow incremental builds?

When updating pages during an incremental build (bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental), if it takes a minute to regenerate a page rather than 10 seconds, check to see if you are getting the following warning:

Please add the following to your Gemfile to avoid polling for changes: gem 'wdm','>=0.1.0' if Gem.win_platform?

To fix this:

  1. Add the following line to the end of the Gemfile in the root directory: gem 'wdm','>=0.1.0' if Gem.win_platform?
  2. Re-run bundle install

Problem with the eventmachine gem?

If you are using windows

  • Go to C:\Ruby##-x64\lib\ruby\gems\{version of ruby}\gems\eventmachine-xxx-x64-mingw32\lib
  • Open eventmachine.rb
  • Add require 'em/pure_ruby' as the first line of code in the file