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Merge pull request #191 from bacetiner/master
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USA Structures downloads are now auto-grided to stay under ESRI API download limits
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bacetiner authored Mar 14, 2024
2 parents 7b67c79 + c1f43de commit e74e6a8
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Showing 3 changed files with 286 additions and 33 deletions.
28 changes: 26 additions & 2 deletions brails/utils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,10 +37,11 @@
# Barbaros Cetiner
# Last updated:
# 03-12-2024
# 03-13-2024

from math import radians, sin, cos, atan2, sqrt
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def haversine_dist(p1,p2):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,4 +109,27 @@ def mesh_polygon(polygon, rows:int, cols:int):
# a valid cell:
if poly.area > 0:
return rectangles
return rectangles

def plot_polygon_cells(bpoly, rectangles, fout=False):
Function that plots the mesh for a polygon and saves the plot into a PNG image
Inputs: A Shapely polygon and a list of rectangular mesh cells saved as
Shapely polygons. Optional input is a string containing the name of the
output file

if bpoly.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon':
for poly in bpoly.geoms:
for rect in rectangles:
if fout:
plt.savefig(fout, dpi=600, bbox_inches="tight")
289 changes: 259 additions & 30 deletions brails/workflow/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
# Barbaros Cetiner
# Last updated:
# 03-08-2024
# 03-13-2024

import math
import json
Expand All @@ -50,6 +50,9 @@
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, LineString, MultiPolygon, box
from shapely.ops import linemerge, unary_union, polygonize
from shapely.strtree import STRtree
from brails.utils.geoTools import haversine_dist, mesh_polygon, plot_polygon_cells
import concurrent.futures
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry

class FootprintHandler:
def __init__(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -420,35 +423,258 @@ def download_ms_tiles(quadkeys,bpoly):
print(f"\nFound a total of {len(footprints)} building footprints in {queryarea_printname}")
return footprints,attributes

def get_usastruct_footprints(queryarea):
if isinstance(queryarea,tuple):
queryarea_printname = (f"the bounding box: [{queryarea[0]},"
f"{queryarea[1]}, {queryarea[2]}, "
def get_usastruct_footprints(queryarea):
def get_usastruct_bldg_counts(bpoly):
# Get the coordinates of the bounding box for input polygon bpoly:
bbox = bpoly.bounds

# Get the number of buildings in the computed bounding box:
query = ('' +
'rest/services/USA_Structures_View/FeatureServer/0/query?' +
f'geometry={bbox[0]},{bbox[1]},{bbox[2]},{bbox[3]}' +
'&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&inSR=4326' +
'&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects' +

s = requests.Session()
retries = Retry(total=5,
status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504])
s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))

elif isinstance(queryarea,str):
sys.exit("This option is not yet available for FEMA USA Structures footprint data")
r = s.get(query)
totalbldgs = r.json()['count']

return totalbldgs

def get_polygon_cells(bpoly, totalbldgs = None, nfeaturesInCell=4000,
if totalbldgs is None:
# Get the number of buildings in the input polygon bpoly:
totalbldgs = get_usastruct_bldg_counts(bpoly)

if totalbldgs>nfeaturesInCell:
# Calculate the number of cells required to cover the polygon area with
# 20 percent margin of error:
ncellsRequired = round(1.2*totalbldgs/nfeaturesInCell)

# Get the coordinates of the bounding box for input polygon bpoly:
bbox = bpoly.bounds

# Calculate the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the bounding box:
xdist = haversine_dist((bbox[0],bbox[1]),(bbox[2],bbox[1]))
ydist = haversine_dist((bbox[0],bbox[1]),(bbox[0],bbox[3]))

# Determine the bounding box aspect ratio defined (as a number greater
# than 1) and the long direction of the bounding box:
if xdist>ydist:
bboxAspectRatio = math.ceil(xdist/ydist)
longSide = 1
bboxAspectRatio = math.ceil(ydist/xdist)
longSide = 2

# Calculate the cells required on the short side of the bounding box (n)
# using the relationship ncellsRequired = bboxAspectRatio*n^2:
n = math.ceil(math.sqrt(ncellsRequired/bboxAspectRatio))

# Based on the calculated n value determined the number of rows and
# columns of cells required:
if longSide==1:
rows = bboxAspectRatio*n
cols = n
rows = n
cols = bboxAspectRatio*n

# Determine the coordinates of each cell covering bpoly:
rectangles = mesh_polygon(bpoly, rows, cols)
rectangles = [bpoly.envelope]
# Plot the generated mesh:
if plotfout:
plot_polygon_cells(bpoly, rectangles, plotfout)

return rectangles

print(f"\nFetching FEMA USA Structures footprint data for {queryarea_printname}...")
def refine_polygon_cells(premCells, nfeaturesInCell=4000):
# Download the building count for each cell:
pbar = tqdm(total=len(premCells), desc='Obtaining the number of buildings in each cell')
results = {}
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
future_to_url = {
executor.submit(get_usastruct_bldg_counts, rect): rect
for rect in premCells
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_url):
rect = future_to_url[future]
results[rect] = future.result()
except Exception as exc:
results[rect] = None
print("%r generated an exception: %s" % (rect, exc))

indRemove = []
cells2split = []
cellsKeep = premCells.copy()
for ind,rect in enumerate(premCells):
totalbldgs = results[rect]
if totalbldgs is not None:
if totalbldgs==0:
elif totalbldgs>nfeaturesInCell:

for i in sorted(indRemove, reverse=True):
del cellsKeep[i]

cellsSplit = []
for rect in cells2split:
rectangles = get_polygon_cells(rect, totalbldgs=results[rect])

return cellsKeep, cellsSplit

query = ('' +
'rest/services/USA_Structures_View/FeatureServer/0/query?' +
def download_ustruct_bldgattr(cell):
rect = cell.bounds
s = requests.Session()
retries = Retry(total=5,
status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504])
s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
query = ('' +
'rest/services/USA_Structures_View/FeatureServer/0/query?' +
f'geometry={rect[0]},{rect[1]},{rect[2]},{rect[3]}' +
'&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&inSR=4326' +

r = s.get(query)
datalist = r.json()['features']
ids = []
footprints = []
bldgheight = []
for data in datalist:
footprint = data['geometry']['rings'][0]
bldgid = data['attributes']['BUILD_ID']
if bldgid not in ids:
height = data['attributes']['HEIGHT']
height = round(float(height*3.28084),1)
height = None

return (ids, footprints, bldgheight)

r = requests.get(query)
if 'error' in r.text:
sys.exit("Data server is currently unresponsive." +
" Please try again later.")
def download_ustruct_bldgattr4region(cellsFinal,bpoly):
# Download building attribute data for each cell:
pbar = tqdm(total=len(cellsFinal), desc='Obtaining the building attributes for each cell')
results = {}
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
future_to_url = {
executor.submit(download_ustruct_bldgattr, cell): cell
for cell in cellsFinal
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_url):
cell = future_to_url[future]
results[cell] = future.result()
except Exception as exc:
results[cell] = None
print("%r generated an exception: %s" % (cell, exc))

# Parse the API results into building id, footprints and height information:
ids = []
footprints = []
bldgheight = []
for cell in tqdm(cellsFinal):
res = results[cell]

datalist = r.json()['features']
footprints = []
for data in datalist:
footprint = data['geometry']['rings'][0]
# Remove the duplicate footprint data by recording the API outputs to a
# dictionary:
data = {}
for ind,bldgid in enumerate(ids):
data[bldgid] = [footprints[ind],bldgheight[ind]]

# Calculate building centroids and save the API outputs into their
# corresponding variables:
footprints = []
attributes = {'buildingheight':[]}
centroids = []
for value in data.values():
fp = value[0]

# Identify building centroids and that fall outside of bpoly:
results = {}
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
future_to_url = {
executor.submit(bpoly.contains, cent): cent
for cent in centroids
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_url):
cent = future_to_url[future]
results[cent] = future.result()
except Exception as exc:
results[cell] = None
print("%r generated an exception: %s" % (cent, exc))
indRemove = []
for ind, cent in enumerate(centroids):
if not results[cent]:

# Remove data corresponding to centroids that fall outside bpoly:
for i in sorted(indRemove, reverse=True):
del footprints[i]
del attributes['buildingheight'][i]

return footprints, attributes

if isinstance(queryarea,tuple):
bpoly, queryarea_printname = self.__bbox2poly(queryarea)
elif isinstance(queryarea,str):
bpoly, queryarea_printname, _ = self.__fetch_roi(queryarea)

plotCells = True

if plotCells:
meshInitialfout = queryarea_printname.replace(' ','_') + '_Mesh_Initial.png'
meshFinalfout = queryarea_printname.replace(' ','_') + '_Mesh_Final.png'

print(f"\nFound a total of {len(footprints)} building footprints in {queryarea_printname}")
return footprints
print('\nMeshing the defined area...')
cellsPrem = get_polygon_cells(bpoly, plotfout=meshInitialfout)

if len(cellsPrem)>1:
cellsFinal = []
cellsSplit = cellsPrem.copy()
while len(cellsSplit)!=0:
cellsKeep, cellsSplit = refine_polygon_cells(cellsSplit)
print(f'\nMeshing complete. Split {queryarea_printname} into {len(cellsFinal)} cells')
cellsFinal = cellsPrem.copy()
print(f'\nMeshing complete. Covered {queryarea_printname} with a rectangular cell')

if plotCells:
plot_polygon_cells(bpoly, cellsFinal, meshFinalfout)

footprints, attributes = download_ustruct_bldgattr4region(cellsFinal,bpoly)
print(f"\nFound a total of {len(footprints)} building footprints in {queryarea_printname}")

return footprints, attributes

def load_footprint_data(fpfile,fpSource,attrmapfile):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -718,10 +944,12 @@ def fp_source_selector(self):
if self.fpSource=='osm':
footprints, attributes = get_osm_footprints(self.queryarea)
elif self.fpSource=='ms':
footprints,attributes = get_ms_footprints(self.queryarea)
footprints, attributes = get_ms_footprints(self.queryarea)
elif self.fpSource=='usastr':
footprints = get_usastruct_footprints(self.queryarea)
attributes = {}
footprints, attributes = get_usastruct_footprints(self.queryarea)
print('Unimplemented footprint source. Setting footprint source to OSM')
footprints, attributes = get_osm_footprints(self.queryarea)
return footprints, attributes

self.queryarea = queryarea
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -764,18 +992,19 @@ def fp_source_selector(self):

# Calculate centroids of the footprints and remove footprint data that
# does not form a polygon:
self.footprints = []
self.centroids = []
ind_remove = []
indRemove = []
for (ind,footprint) in enumerate(footprints):

# Remove attribute corresponding to the removed footprints:
for i in sorted(ind_remove, reverse=True):
for i in sorted(indRemove, reverse=True):
for key in self.attributes.keys():
del self.attributes[key][i]

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/
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.. |s3harkName| replace:: SURF
.. |surfName| replace:: SURF
.. |brailsName| replace:: BRAILS
.. |full tool name| replace:: Building Recognition using AI at Large-Scale
.. |full tool name| replace:: Building and Infrastructure Recognition using AI at Large-Scale
.. _MessageBoard:
.. |messageBoard| replace:: `MessageBoard`_
.. |short tool name| replace:: BRAILS
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