This repository is deprecated and will no longer be maintained. We recommend to switch to the succeeding app HERE and the according tutorial HERE.
This is a tutorial of how to use ENTIRETY for device provisioning for the N5GEH Cloud Platform. To demonstrate the work of the components everything is configured locally. To start using the tutorial it is necessary to install Pre-requisites.
- Docker engine
- Docker compose
./services start
This command starts all services from the docker-compose file and run setup for the demo.
The picture below shows the set of services for the tutorial.
Here is the list of the services:
- KeyCloak with login: admin and password: Pa55w0rd
- Entirety with login: n5geh and password: n5geh
- Grafana with login: admin and password: admin
To start using services it is MANDATORY to provide a CLIENT_SECRETS from the Keycloak Identity Manager.
Login to the Keycloak Admin dashboard via KeyCloak with login: admin and password: Pa55w0rd.
Regenerate the Client Secret for Entirety and rewrite it in the configuration file.
Regenerate the Client Secret for MQTT Broker and rewrite it in the configuration file.
To apply changes it is necessary to restart docker containers with services.
./services secrets_update
Now, the ENTIRETY service should be available via this Entirety with login: n5geh and password: n5geh.
Here is a ENTIRETY Dashboard.
Entirety supports two type of Datamodel definition: NGSIv2 and NGSI-LD. Because IoT Agent currently does not support NGSI-LD than in this tutorial we are showing an example with NGSIv2.
Here is definition of the Meter in the Datamodel:
"base_template": "base/Device.json",
"device_id": {
"name": "device_id",
"label": "Device Id",
"required": "true",
"prefix": "urn:ngsi-ld:Meter:"
"entity_name": "",
"entity_type": "Meter",
"attributes": [
"object_id": "nam",
"name": "name",
"type": "String"
"object_id": "lis",
"name": "listening",
"type": "String"
"object_id": "sam",
"name": "sampleRate",
"type": "String"
"object_id": "wri",
"name": "writable",
"type": "String"
"object_id": "saI",
"name": "sampleInterval",
"type": "String"
"object_id": "loI",
"name": "loggingInterval",
"type": "String"
"commands": [],
"static_attributes": [
"name": "subCategory",
"label": "Sub Category",
"type": "Property",
"value": "GridRelated",
"required": "true"
"name": "hasChannel",
"label": "Channel",
"type": "Relationship",
"value": "",
"query": "Channel",
"required": "true"
"name": "isMeasuredIn",
"type": "Relationship",
"label": "Measure",
"value": "",
"query": "Measurement",
"required": "true"
And also definition of Device (base object for all devices).
"protocol": "",
"timezone": "",
"attributes": [
"object_id": "crA",
"name": "createdAt",
"type": "datetime"
"object_id": "moA",
"name": "modifiedAt",
"type": "datetime"
"object_id": "cat",
"name": "category",
"type": "String"
"object_id": "ipA",
"name": "ipAddress",
"type": "String"
"object_id": "ipA",
"name": "ipAddress",
"type": "String"
"object_id": "coA",
"name": "controlAsset",
"type": "String"
"object_id": "enV",
"name": "entityVersion",
"type": "String"
"object_id": "seN",
"name": "serialNumber",
"type": "String"
"object_id": "suN",
"name": "supplierName",
"type": "String"
"object_id": "des",
"name": "description",
"type": "String"
"object_id": "sou",
"name": "source",
"type": "String"
"object_id": "daP",
"name": "dataProvider",
"type": "String"
"static_attributes": [
"name": "hasState",
"type": "Relationship",
"label": "State",
"query": "State",
"required": "true"
"name": "controlsProperty",
"type": "Relationship",
"label": "Property",
"query": "Property",
"required": "true"
"name": "isMeasuredIn",
"type": "Relationship",
"label": "Measurement",
"query": "Measurement",
"required": "true"
"name": "hasCommand",
"type": "Relationship",
"label": "Command",
"query": "Command",
"required": "true"
"name": "hasFunction",
"type": "Relationship",
"label": "Function",
"query": "Function",
"required": "true"
"name": "conssistOf",
"type": "Relationship",
"label": "Consist of",
"query": "",
"required": "false"
Entirety uses this data to prepare the web form and generate final object for the device. Here is an example of registering the device.
According to registered device:
- Username urn:ngsi-ld:meter:meter001
- Password secret
- Topic /n5geh3c4d3da22af22bb6/urn:ngsi-ld:Meter:meter001/attrs
In this tutorial we are using IoT Agent UL version.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
client = mqtt.Client()
client.username_pw_set("urn:ngsi-ld:meter:meter001", "secret")
client.connect("localhost", 1883, 60)
client.publish("/n5geh3c4d3da22af22bb6/urn:ngsi-ld:Meter:meter001/attrs", "sou|1");
The data goes to the CrateDB and stores in the table 'mtopeniot.etmeter'.
To stop the tutorials please run following command:
./services stop