Adds FBX timecode importing functionality to UE5 and associated tools for synchronizing timecodes in the sequencer.
To install, create a folder named FBXTimecodeImport
in either your engine plugins directory or Unreal project plugins directory and copy the contents of this repository inside or download the latest zip from the releases section.
Make sure that Audo inject timecode into anim sequences
is checked in Project Settings->FBX Timecode Importing
Import an FBX animation asset into UE as normal. The plugin automatically will inject the local timespan from the FBX file into the custom timecode bone attributes defined in the Bone Timecode Custom Attribute Name Settings
array in your project settings. The default attribute names are TCHour
, TCMinute
, TCSecond
, TCFrame
, TCSubframe
, TCRate
When you add your animation sequence to a new level sequence, it will automatically populate the Source Timecode
property accessible when you right+click the animation section and access the section properties.
In the sequencer, you can snap your animation sequence to its source timecode property using the Snap Sections to Timeline Using Source Timecode
You can stop the plugin from automatically injecting timecode attributes by disabling Auto Inject Timecode Into Anim Sequences
in the plugin's project settings.