This is an alternate deployment system for those wanting to deploy helm using gunicorn instead of the developmental WSGI server.
- Automatic creation of initial SuperUser
- Secure setup with no root in any container and read-only root filesystem
- Seperated static file serving using NGINX
The helm repo can be added by running
helm repo add iloveyatoo
Value | Description | Defaults |
imagePullSecrets | Name of the Kubernetes Secret containing Docker Pull Secrets | [] |
podAnnotations | Additional annotations to be added to the pod | [] |
nodeSelector | Sets the NodeSelector to constrain the pod to certain nodes | {} |
tolerations | Schedule pods on nodes with matching taints | [] |
affinity | Constrain Pods against labels on other Pods | {} |
podSecurityContext | Permissions for volumes mounted in the pod | {fsGroup: 1000} |
archivebox.superUser.userName | Sets the username for the superuser of archivebox | myuser |
archivebox.superUser.userEmail | Sets the user email for the superuser of archivebox | [email protected] |
archivebox.superUser.userPassword | Sets the user password for the superuser of archivebox | mypass | | Sets the storageClass for archivebox storage | default | | Sets the storage size for archivebox storage | 20G | | Sets the storageClass for temporary storage for archivebox | default | | Sets the storage size for temporary storage for archivebox | 5G |
archivebox.resources.limits.cpu | Sets the CPU limits for archivebox | 200m |
archivebox.resources.limits.memory | Sets the Memory limits for archivebox | 512Mi |
archivebox.resources.requests.cpu | Sets the CPU requests for archivebox | 100m |
archivebox.resources.requests.memory | Sets the Memory requests for archivebox | 512Mi |
archivebox.image.repository | Sets the image repository for the archivebox docker image | |
archivebox.image.pullPolicy | Sets the pullPolicy for the archivebox docker image | Always |
archivebox.image.tag | Overrides the docker tag for archivebox | "" |
archivebox.securityContext | Sets the securityContext for the container | {capabilities: {drop: [ALL]}, readOnlyRootFilesystem: true, runAsGroup: 1000, runAsUser: 1000} | | Sets the storage class for nginx static file storage | default | | Sets the storage size for nginx static file storage | 1G | | Sets the CPU limits for nginx | 100m | | Sets the Memory limits for nginx | 128Mi |
nginx.resources.requests.cpu | Sets the CPU requests for nginx | 100m |
nginx.resources.requests.memory | Sets the Memory requests for nginx | 128Mi |
nginx.image.repository | Sets the image repository for the nginx docker image | nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged |
nginx.image.pullPolicy | Sets the pullPolicy for the nginx docker image | Always |
nginx.image.tag | Overrides the docker tag for nginx | "" |
nginx.securityContext | Sets the securityContext for the container | {capabilities: {drop: [ALL]}, runAsUser: 101, runAsGroup: 101, readOnlyRootFilesystem: true} |