A little Python script that automatically installs and sets up the Sauce Connect Java Utility tunnel.
This little Python script simply:
- Downloads the Sauce Connect Java Utility from: http://saucelabs.com/downloads/Sauce-Connect-latest.zip
- Unzips the download
- Sets up the Sauce Connect Java Utility automatically. During setup the script:
- Checks for the required open ports 80 & 443
- Asks for the Sauce username & API Key
- Kicks off the Java utility with the authentication information as a daemon
- The script kills the daemon nightly at 12am and redeploys the tunnel, to ensure Sauce is kept fresh.
Prerequisites: Python 2.7.4+ and Java (latest) installed.
To run this script, open a command prompt as Administrator, cd to the folder you downloaded the script, and execute the script:
or depending on your PATH variable and how your system handles .py file extensions:
python SauceConnectSetup.py
A successful run of the script:
A successful tunnel connection to a Sauce machine:
A successful redelpoyment of the daemon at midnight:
The Sauce connection haults, boots, and redeploys all before 12:00:30am: