This project is similar to IMDB page. Live demo here.
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Screenshots
- Setup
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- The page is movie and tv shows library. You can find The newest movies and tv shows and information of each of them.
- You can follow actual trends in media.
- The API for the projects is provided from TIMDB page.
- THe layout is inspired from timdb page and from imdb page
- You can check each entertaiment by clicking on each item. You will find detailed information about the media, cast, videos, images related to it, and also recommendation to it.
Download the repo by using in your terminal git clone
then go to the main folder and start the project by
cd movie-rating-timbd
npm i
# or
yarn install
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Project is: In progress
The original timbd page is more complex. There is a lot of places for improvement.
Room for improvement:
- Search functionality
- Detailed page for each individual sections
- Images zoom on click
To do:
- Search functionality with advises on fly
- Individual pages for casts, keywords, collections
- Implement zooming images as modal and changing background color
- This project was inspired by Sonny Sangha YT channel
Created by Murad Kos - feel free to contact me!