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A benchmark to evaluate progressive indexing for semantic table search.

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Jazero Progressive Indexing Benchmark

A benchmark to evaluate progressive indexing in Jazero.


Here, we setup Thetis and the benchmark for evaluating table search.

Setting Up Table Search Benchmark

Clone the benchmark repository.

git clone
./ SemanticTableSearchDataset/dbpedia_files.txt

Run the following list of commands to properly unpack the downloaded benchmark.

cd SemanticTableSearchDataset/
rm -r ground_truth/2013/ queries/2013/
cd ground_truth/2019/navigation_links/
for F in ./* ; do tar -xf ${F} ; rm ${F} ; mv ${F:0:-7}/* . ; rmdir ${F:0:-7} ; done
cd ../wikipedia_categories/
for F in ./* ; do tar -xf ${F} ; rm ${F} ; mv ${F:0:-7}/* . ; rmdir ${F:0:-7} ; done
cd ../wikipage_to_categories/
tar -xf wikipage_to_categories.tar.gz
rm wikipage_to_categories.tar.gz
cd ../wikipage_to_navigation_links/
for F in ./* ; do tar -xf ${F} ; rm ${F} ; done

In this current directory (ground_truth/2019/wikipage_to_navigation_links/), execute the following Python script.

import os
import json

files = os.listdir('.')
concat = dict()

for file in files:
    if not '.json' in file:

    with open(file, 'r') as handle:
        lst = json.load(handle)

        for wikipage in lst.keys():
            concat[wikipage] = lst[wikipage]

with open('wikipage-to-navigational-link.json', 'w') as handle:
    json.dump(concat, handle, indent = 4)

Run the following list of commands from the root directory of the benchmark directory to unpack the table corpus.

rm -r table_corpus/*2013*
cd table_corpus/
cd csv_tables_2019/
for F in ./* ; do tar -xf ${F} ; rm ${F} ; mv csv_tables_2019/${F:0:-7}/* . ; done && rm -rf csv_tables_2019
cd ../tables_2019/
for F in ./* ; do tar -xf ${F} ; rm ${F} ; mv tables_2019/${F:0:-7}/* . ; done && rm -r tables_2019/

We now also add the GitTabes dataset, which consists of more tables (1M) of more rows (142 on average per table). Download the dataset with the following commands:

mkdir -p gittables/
wget -O
mv *.zip gittables/
python gittables/

Setting Up Thetis

First, clone the Thetis repository from the repository root directory.

git clone

Pull the Neo4J Docker images, create a network for the experiments, and start a container.

docker pull neo4j:4.1.4
docker network create thetis_network
docker run -d -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 \
    --network thetis_network --name thetis_neo4j \
    -v ${PWD}/files:/kg \
    -e NEO4J_AUTH=none \
    -e NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS='[\"apoc\", \"n10s\"]' \
    -e NEO4J_dbms_security_procedures_unrestricted=apoc.* \
    -e NEO4J_apoc_export_file_enabled=true \
    -e NEO4J_apoc_import_file_use_neo4j_config=false \

Install Neosemantics.

docker exec thetis_neo4j wget -P plugins/
docker exec thetis_neo4j bash -c "echo 'dbms.unmanaged_extension_classes=n10s.endpoint=/rdf' >> conf/neo4j.conf"
docker restart thetis_neo4j

Once Neo4J has completed restarting, load the KG.

docker cp thetis_neo4j:/var/lib/neo4j
docker exec thetis_neo4j bash -c "./ /var/lib/neo4j /var/lib/neo4j/import"

Download RDF2Vec embeddings for DBpedia 2021.

wget -O
mv vectors.txt TableSearch/data/embeddings/

Load the embeddings into Postgres through Thetis. Next, we will load the embeddings into Postgres through Thetis. First, start an instance of Postgres.

docker pull postgres:12.15
docker run --network thetis_network \
    -e POSTGRES_USER=admin \
    -e POSTGRES_DB=embeddings \
    --name db -d postgres:12.15

Now, enter the TableSearch/ directory and start a Docker container with Thetis.

docker build -t thetis .
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/Thetis:/src \
    -v $(pwd)/data:/data \
    --network thetis_network \
    -e POSTGRES_HOST=$(docker exec db hostname -I) \
    thetis bash

From within the Thetis container, run the following command to start loading the embeddings.

cd src/
mvn package -DskipTests
java -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar embedding \
    -f /data/embeddings/vectors.txt \
    -db postgres -h ${POSTGRES_HOST} \
    -p 5432 -dbn embeddings -u admin -pw 1234 -dp

You can now exit the Thetis Docker container with Ctrl+D and go back to the repository root directory.

Finally, insert the following code:

  • TableSearch/Thetis/src/main/java/com/thetis/commands/ 195:
    Logger.setPrintStream(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("/data/log.txt")));

catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) {}
  • TableSearch/Thetis/src/main/java/com/thetis/commands/ 24:
import com.thetis.system.Configuration;

Setting Up SANTOS

SANTOS is a semantic table union search approach. Clone the repository and build the Docker image:

docker build -t santos -f santos.dockerfile .

Setting Up Starmie

Starmie is an approach for semantic data discovery based on learned column representations. Clone the repository and build the Docker image:

docker build -t starmie -f starmie.dockerfile .

Setting Up MATE

MATE is a table join search approach. Clone the repository:

git clone

Start a Vertica Docker instance:

docker network create mate_network
docker pull vertica/vertica-ce
docker run -d -p 5433:5433 -p 5444:5444 \
           --mount type=volume,source=vertica-data,target=/data \
           --name vertica_ce vertica/vertica-ce

Build the MATE image:

docker build -t mate -f mate.dockerfile .


Run the following command to create the set of queries for the experiments, and pass the number of queries you wish to use in the experiments:

python <number of queries>

In an independent window, run a Docker container and start progressively indexing Thetis:

cd TableSearch/
mkdir -p queries/ tables/ data/output/ data/indexes/
docker run -v $(pwd)/queries:/queries \
           -v $(pwd)/tables:/tables \
           -v $(pwd)/Thetis:/src -v $(pwd)/data:/data \
           -v $(pwd)/${WT}:/corpus \
           --network thetis_network -e NEO4J_HOST=$(docker exec thetis_neo4j hostname -I) \
           -it --rm thetis bash

This will now set the corpus to Wikitables. To use GitTables, substitute the variable ${WT} in the Docker command with ${GT}.

Then, start progressive indexing using types within the Docker container:

cd src/
mvn package -DskipTests
java -Xms25g -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar progressive -topK 10 -prop types \
     --table-dir /corpus/ --output-dir /data/indexes/ --result-dir /data/ \
     --indexing-time 0 --singleColumnPerQueryEntity --adjustedSimilarity \
     -pf HNSW -nuri "bolt://${NEO4J_HOST}:7687" -nuser neo4j -npassword admin -tr ${WT_ROWS}

Alternatively, start progressive indexing using embeddings:

cd src/
mvn package -DskipTests
java -Xms25g -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar progressive -topK 10 -prop embeddings --embeddingSimilarityFunction abs_cos \
     --table-dir /corpus/ --output-dir /data/indexes/ --result-dir /data/output/ \
     --indexing-time 0 --singleColumnPerQueryEntity --adjustedSimilarity \
     -pf HNSW -nuri "bolt://${NEO4J_HOST}:7687" -nuser neo4j -npassword admin -tr ${WT_ROWS}

Once again, if GitTables are used as the corpus, substitute the variable ${WT_SIZE} with ${GT_SIZE}. Additionally, add the parameter -link lucene to use Lucene for entity linking, as GitTables do not come with ground truth entity links.

Table Discoverability

In this experiment, we evaluate how long it takes before a new table that is inserted into the corpus during indexing becomes discoverable. Specifically, we insert a fixed number of tables at fixed time points and measure how long it takes for the newly inserted table to become retrievable. The number of tables to insert is a parameter.

Run the above commands to start progressive indexing, and immediately start the following script, and pass the name of the corpus (wikitables or gittables).

touch TableSearch/data/log.txt

Note that there is a total of 1000 tables to insert. The results are stored in results/discoverability/discovered_times.txt.

Ranking Quality

We measure the ranking quality using NDCG during the early stages of progressive indexing. This evaluates the ranking quality when the time-to-insight is significantly reduced. Specifically, we focus on querying the baselines in the very early stages of progressive indexing.


Start progressive indexing in Thetis, as described above, and run immediately the following script to start the experiment. Pass a period in fractions that indicates how much data to index until we execute queries again. Pass also the number of queries to execute at every time point. Note that the resource comes with more than 2K queries for this corpus, by we suggest you use a much smaller number of queries, e.g., 10.


The results are stored in results/ranking/. Note that, when using the GitTables corpus, Lucene is applied as the entity lnker. This linker must be indexes before becoming operational. Therefore, start the ranking experiment when the TableSearch/data/log.txt mentions that the entity linking has completed.

Before evaluating ranking, the ground truth must be established. Copy the same number of queries to the TableSearch/queries/ directory with the following script:


for QUERY in "SemanticTableSearchDataset/queries/2019/1_tuples_per_query/"* ;\
    COUNT=$((${COUNT} + 1))
    cp ${QUERY} TableSearch/queries/


Construct then indexes by running the following script within the Thetis Docker container:

java -Xms25g -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar index --table-dir /corpus/ \
     --output-dir /data/indexes/ -t 4 -nuri "bolt://${NEO4J_HOST}:7687" -nuser neo4j -npassword admin

Run the following script to perform searching in Thetis.

mkdir -p ${RESULT_DIR}

java -Xms25g -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar search -prop embeddings -topK 10 \
     -q /queries/ -td /corpus/ -i /data/indexes/ -od ${RESULT_DIR} --embeddingSimilarityFunction abs_cos \
     --singleColumnPerQueryEntity --adjustedSimilarity -pf HNSW \
     -nuri "bolt://${NEO4J_HOST}:7687" -nuser neo4j -npassword admin

Now, evaluate the ranking using NDCG by running the Python script:

mkdir -p results/ground_truth/
cp -r TableSearch/data/ground_truth/search_output/* results/ground_truth/

The results are now stored in ndcg.txt.


We perform an experiment to evaluate the ranking using SANTOS during progressive and adaptive indexing. We incrementally add more data to index based on the same priority assignment rules applied in Thetis.

The ranking experiment in SANTOS is already set up in a Docker images. To run the experiment, run the Docker container, and pass the fraction of data to index in between query executions, the maximum fraction of data to index before concluding the experiment, pass 1 or 5 for the number of rows for the queries, and the name of the corpus to evaluate on (must be either wikitables or gittables):

mkdir -p santos_results/
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/santos_results:/results \
           -e FRACTION=<insert fraction> \
           -e FRACTION_LIMIT=<insert limit> \
           -e QUERY_SIZE=<insert query size> \
           -e CORPUS=<insert corpus name> santos

The results can now be found in santos_results/. Now some plotting...


We perform the same experiment in Starmie as with SANTOS, and the experiment is also aldready setup in a Docker images. Run the experiment with the following commands, and pass the fraction of data to index in between query executions, the maximum fraction of data to index before concluding the experiment, the pass 1 or 5 for the number of rows for the queries, and the name of the corpus to evaluate on (must be either wikitables or gittables):

mkdir -p starmie_results/
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/starmie_results:/results \
           -v  ${PWD}/SemanticTableSearchDataset/table_corpus/csv_tables_2019:/wikitables\
           -v ${PWD}/gittables_csv:/gittables \
           -v ${PWD}/queries:/queries \
           -e FRACTION=<insert period> \
           -e FRACTION_LIMIT=<insert limit> \
           -e QUERY_SIZE=<insert query size> \
           -e CORPUS=<insert corpus name> starmie

The results can now be found in starmie_results/. Now some plotting...

Chained Ranking

We perform an experiment in Thetis, where we use a top-10 for each query to construct a new query, which we then execute and evaluate its performance. We keep doing this until reaching a threshold of indexed data. We allow the experiment to choose a top-10 table that has already been a query before.

Build the Docker image:

docker build -f chained_ranking.dockerfile -t chained_ranking .

Start progressive indexing in Thetis, as described above, and run immediately the following commands to start the experiment.

docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}/results:/results -v ${PWD}/TableSearch:/TableSearch/ \
           -v ${PWD}/queries:/queries --network thetis_network \
           -v ${PWD}/SemanticTableSearchDataset/table_corpus/tables_2019:/wikitables \
           -v ${PWD}/gittables:/gittables \
           -e NEO4J_HOST=$(docker exec thetis_neo4j hostname -I) \
           -e TYPE=${LOW_TYPE} \
           -e CORPUS=${WT} \

Choose ${HIGH_TYPE} or ${LOW_TYPE} for the TYPE variable depending on whether to execute queries with high result set overlap or low. Choose ${WT} or ${GT} for the CORPUS variable to choose the Wikitables or GitTables corpus for the experiment.

The results are now stored results/chained_ranking_<OVERLAP_TYPE>_overlap/. We now construct the ground truth by executing all of the queries with fully constructed indexes. Run the following command to construct the queries to execute:

docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/TableSearch:/TableSearch \
           -v ${PWD}/SemanticTableSearchDataset/table_corpus/tables_2019:/wikitables \
           -v ${PWD}/gittables:/gittables \
           -v ${PWD}/results:/results \
           -v ${PWD}/queries:/queries \
           --network thetis_network \
           -e NEO4J_HOST=$(docker exec thetis_neo4j hostname -I) \
           chained_ranking bash -c "python3 <OVERLAP_TYPE> <CORPUS_NAME>"

Substitute <OVERLAP_TYPE> with either high or low, depending on the type of queries that were used for the experiment. Substitute <CORPUS_NAME> with either wikitables or gittables, depending on the corpus used in the experiment. Now, run the following command within the Thetis Docker container to start searching with the queries:

mkdir -p /data/gt_results/
java -Xms25g -jar target/Thetis.0.1.jar search -prop embeddings -topK 10 \
     -q /queries/ -td /corpus/ -i /data/indexes/ -od /data/gt_results/ \
     -pf HNSW -nuri "bolt://${NEO4J_HOST}:7687" -nuser neo4j -npassword admin \
     --singleColumnPerQueryEntity --adjustedSimilarity
rm /queries/*

Outside the container, copy the results to the results/ directory:

mkdir -p results/chained_ground_truth/
cp -r TableSearch/data/gt_results/search_output/* results/chained_ground_truth/

Finally, you can run the following command to plot the experiment results:

docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/SemanticTableSearchDataset/table_corpus/tables_2019:/wikitables \
           -v ${PWD}/gittables:/gittables \
           -v ${PWD}/results:/results \
           chained_ranking bash -c "python3 <OVERLAP_TYPE> <CORPUS_NAME>"
mv results/chained_ndcg.txt .

The results are now stored in chained_ndcg.txt.


A benchmark to evaluate progressive indexing for semantic table search.



