Easily configurable bot that can reflect any subreddit photos to twitter
Download or clone the project
git clone https://github.com/MrDasix/Easy-Reddit-twitterBOT.git
Enter the new folder created that contains the scripts
cd Easy-Reddit-twitterBOT\EasyBot
Install python if you don't have it installed
sudo apt get install python3
Install pìp
sudo apt-get install python-pip
Install tweepy
sudo pip install tweepy
Install Beautiful Soup 4
sudo pip install bs4
Open bot.py
1) Replace the variabe SUBREDDIT for the url of the subreddit that you want to mirror
2) Replace the values C_key, SK_key, A_token and A_sk_token with the the necessary keys of your twitter account
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler("C_key", "SK_key")
auth.set_access_token("A_token", "A_sk_token")
All this keys and tokens can be found in your app found in https://apps.twitter.com/
Execute in the shell
python3 bot.py