A command-line tool to generate secure random secrets with configurable character sets.
just download and extract the binary from the releases page and add it to your path.
secgen [length] [flags]
: Number of characters in the secret (default: 32)
- Include numbers (0-9)l
- Include lowercase letters (a-z)u
- Include uppercase letters (A-Z)s
- Include special characters (!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|;:,.<>?)!
- Include everything except following flags-h
- Show help message
# Generate 10 character secret without special characters (default flags: !s)
secgen 10
output: yY12yK8w11
# 16 chars with numbers, lower and uppercase (equivalent to secgen 16 !s)
secgen 16 nlu
output: SaC0kpmZe93d3zWF
# 8 chars with all character types
secgen 8 nlus
output: =D-IB.+=
# 20 chars without nothing i.e. with all character types (equivalent to secgen 20 nlus)
secgen 20 !
output: 2@l6).)dLu,5az[Pzt_W
# 12 chars excluding numbers
secgen 12 !n
output: OvJ>}OPsiDU
# default 32 chars with all character types except special characters
output: jirb8rfXOjwh9RUekmeAPc91lDDe9XDV