This is a repository which houses all of my experimental projects which I have completed whilst following the Freecodecamp open source curriculum. This curriculum is split into three different sections, the frontend curriculum, the data visualisation curriculum and the backend curriculum. The technologies that you are exposed to include: JavaScript, JQuery, HTML & CSS, Aphrodite, React, MongoDB, Node.js, D3.js and many more.
There are varying tech stacks here as I became a more proficient software developer throughout the years.
- Frontend: React/Javascript/Typescript/Redux/React Context/React Query
- Backend: Nodejs/Express/Javascript/Typescript/Java
- DB: MongoDB/PostgreSQL/OpenSearch
- Ops: Docker/Docker Compose
These are all the links to the frontend projects, that I have completed during this part of the curriculum. Technologies used: HTML & CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, React.
- Tribute Page
- Personal Portfolio
- Random Quote Machine
- Local Weather Application
- Wikipedia Viewer
- Calculator
- Twitch API Viewer
- Tictactoe
These are all the links to the data visualisation projects, that I have completed. Technologies used: D3js, React, CSS, HTML.
React Projects:
- [Markdown Previewer]
- [Camper Leaderboard]
- [Recipe Box]
- [Game of Life]
- [Roguelike Dungeon Crawler]
D3 Projects:
- [Bar Chart]
- [Scatterplot Graph]
- [Heat Map]
- [Force Directed Graph]
- [Meteor Visualisation Map]
These are all of the links to the live API/Microservices projects, that I have completed. Technologies used: Node.js, MongoDB, Mocha, Express, HTML & CSS.
API & Microservices:
- Timestamp Microservice
- Request Header Parser Microservice
- URL Decoder/Encoder
- Image Search Abstraction Layer
- File Metadata Microservice
Dynamic Web Applications (Fullstack):
- [Voting Application]
- [Nightlife Coordination Application]
- [Stock Market]
- [Book Trading Club]
- [Pinterest Clone]
All the code shown here is developed and designed by Leon Boehmer. Feel free to copy, reuse and learn from whichever project you need! But remember copying code and ideas outright will not help anyone, read the code and learn!