MockupVisualEditor originally was created by Josh Tynjala in Apache Flex as Web and Desktop application. Visual Editor can help you to develop the prototype of your user interface and export as Apache Flex Desktop project.
Visual Editor was adoped by Moonshine IDE as ActionScript library project. Instruction allows you to build project to *.swc which can be used in Moonshine IDE.
Visual Editor is built with Apache Flex® SDK 4.16.1, using Adobe AIR and Flash Player 28.0.
- Download and install Apache Ant®
- Setup environment variable
or add path to the Apache Flex SDK in build.xml -> here - Uncomment line and set
to folder libsMoonshine-IDE\ide\MoonshineDESKTOPevolved\libs\
- Make sure that constant CONFIG::MOONSHINE is set to true.
- If you would like to have debuggable swc please set IsDebug variable to true
- Run in command line
Royale: Moonshine-IDE/Moonshine-IDE#675
Domino: Moonshine-IDE/Moonshine-IDE#646
Domino : According to the design structure of moonshine ide.When user work with Visual Editors and clciks the "save" action or click the "code' tab from the Visual Editor,it will trigger the Domino convert.
getMxmlCode() method will identify projects and files, and perform domino conversions based on project and file types.
Royale : According to the requirements, the Royale project will be generated from the opened Domino Visual project, therefore, the user will click "Project->Generate Apache Royale Project" in the menu to generate a new Royale project.
This line code will convert the current open Domino Visual Editor project to Royale project.