Discord https://discord.gg/Vk7eY8xYV2
- Work with radial menu from ox_lib or ox_target
- Share vehicles with colleagues, including a list to manage shared access to the vehicle.
- Garage for independent work.
- Generate a key when removing the vehicle from the garage and delete it when returning to the garage.
- 4 types of garages: "all","air","car", and "boat".
- Vehicle impound system and recovery points.
- Vehicle mileage is stored in the database and can be viewed in the garage.
- Garage.RadialCopyCoords: Radial menu to copy coordinates and easily create garages. (Only use this on your development server!)
- Command to add a vehicle to the database as the owner.
- Allows vehicles that are outside the garage and the entity is not present in the world to be sent directly to the impound.
- (New) Compatible with the Quasar inventory...
- (New) Garages for jobs with configurable vehicles by ranks.
- (New) Now you can use PolyZone only for garages, not impounds.
- (New) One name for the blips. Config/config_garage.lua - Garage.BlipsName
- (New) TextUI added, you can customize it in client/functions.lua. (default ox_textui)
- (New) 2 Commands to test the EXPORTS and see how it works in client/Default.lua (Default disabled)
- (New) Command /spawncar [ID] [MODEL] [TIME (1 = 1 min)] generates a vehicle with a time of use. ( /spawncar 1 sultan 10 )
- (New) Sell or Transfer the ownership of a vehicle to another player + WebHook to record transfers in server/functions_s.lua .
- (New) Compatible with ox_fuel / LegacyFuel / esx-sna-fuel
- (New) ProgressBar when closing/opening vehicles Config/config_carkeys.lua - Keys.Progress
- (New) Delay between closing/opening vehicles to avoid massive spawns of notifications or progress bar.
- (New) Now you can add a price for transferring vehicles between garages, each garage has its price, if no price is assigned in the configuration of a garage, the transfer between garages will be free. (All current garages of type = 'car' have a price of $20).
- (New) EXTRAS Menu with custom job vehicles, (Target)
/impound For Jobs.
/givecar [ID] [MODEL] [GARAGE (Optional)] now spawns the vehicle and adds it to the player's database.
/spawncar [ID] [MODEL] [TIME (1 = 1 min)] generates a vehicle with a time of use. ( /spawncar 1 sultan 10 )
- ox_lib - https://github.com/overextended/ox_lib/releases
- ox_inventory - https://github.com/overextended/ox_inventory/releases
- ox_target - https://github.com/overextended/ox_target/releases