This repository is yet another implementation of a trie in full typescript with a functional approach.
At the time I created this lib, I could not find a javascript implementation of a trie that satisfied those criteria:
- Written in typescript (fully typed) for seamless integration in typescript based applications and libraries
- Provided both a search and a hasPrefix functionality
A Trie is a Tree Data structure that usually stores characters arrays in a way that makes it easy to perform prefix searches.
Example of a trie taken from Wikipedia
Some implementation details:
- All functions are pure
- No functions mutate the input
- The trie is implemented using a javascript record type. There is no limit on the alphabet you can use
- A radix trie wasn't used (this could be improved to save on spatial complexity)
Here are some use cases in which this library can help you
- You need to check that a word is present in a list of words (Though you could do that with a simple dict)
- You need to check is a word is a prefix of a known word in a dictionary
- You need to check if a given word start with a prefix that is amongst a list of known prefix
- You want to create a custom autocomplete
Using this library, you'll be able to gain performance that will outshine a simple .map on a list of word.
npm install @micham/trie-ts
yarn add @micham/trie-ts
import { fromList, search } from '@micham/trie-ts';
// cspell:disable-next
const text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit';
const trie = fromList(text.split(''));
search('ip', trie).length > 0; // true
search('not in text', trie).length > 0; // false
import { of, hasPrefix } from '@micham/trie-ts';
const trie = of('secret', 'token', 'jwt');
hasPrefix('secret-text', trie); // true
hasPrefix('my-secret', trie); // true
hasPrefix('jwt', trie); // true
This library expose two APIs.
The first one is available here and consist of the following functions
* Create a Trie from a list of words
type MakeTrieFromList = (words: string[]) => Trie;
* Create a Trie from function argument list
type TrieOfWords = (...words: string[]) => Trie;
* Add word to Trie
type AddToTrie = (word: string, trie: Trie) => Trie;
* Remove word from Trie
type RemoveFromTrie = (word: string, trie: Trie) => Trie;
* Check if word is already in Trie
type HasWord = (word: string, trie: Trie) => boolean;
* Check all the words that match the query prefix
type SearchPrefix = (query: string, trie: Trie) => string[];
* Check that the Trie contains at least one prefix of word
type HasPrefix = (word: string, trie: Trie) => boolean;
If you are using a library such as fp-ts or any other that allow you to use a "pipe" util, you'll be able to use the second version of the api with a syntax that looks like what you can see below
import { add, emptyTrie } from '@micham/trie-ts/lib/pipeable';