This template was developed for Faculty of Engineering Ain Shams University but can be configured for anything
The template was developed and submitted in Overleaf for future usage. (it's a good starting point for anyone wants to learn more about LaTex)
The template is based on the works of University of Warwick Here, only modified a bit to be simpler.
Important Note: Anyone who will use this work is expected to not change the names of the original Creators 🌹
13 May 2022 New version of the template + Github Actions tutorial is added Here
6 July 2020 The template was approved by Overleaf maintainers and can be found Here
The tutorial will be divided into wiki pages with Question/Answer paradigm for easy search … users should feel free to open issues with any questions they have to add it in the wiki 🌱
Hope it will be helpful for you, Wiki