extract your visible youtube music library as a object, this project relies on the html tags to find and print as a json all your song and artist this project was written in a couple hours and can be quite messy to use, use at your own discretion
- having a version of python 3 installed on your pc
How to use :
1 - go into your youtube music and load into the page all songs that you want to export
2 - open up the chrome developer tools with F12 and go into the Console tab
3 - copy the content of the file "youtube-song-converter-base" into the console
4 - run it
5 - a new entry into the console should appear containing the object with all your songs, copy it
6 - place the content into the file song-list.txt
7 - double click the replacer.py file to format it into a txt file
8 - import it into your software of choice for example tunemymusic