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                    © 2024 Miruro no Kuon. All Rights Reserved.

This software, licensed under the Custom BY-NC License, grants users the freedom to
share, copy, distribute, and transmit the code, as well as to adapt, modify, transform,
and build upon it. However, this freedom comes with specific terms:

By using this software, you are required to provide appropriate credit to the original
author(s) by including a visible and clear attribution in any distribution or derivative
work. Attribution is a fundamental condition for utilizing or redistributing the code.

Furthermore, this license explicitly prohibits the commercial use of the code or any
derivative work based on it. Commercial purposes include, but are not limited to, activities
that involve the sale, licensing, or exploitation of the software for financial gain.

If you intend to use the code for commercial use or any purpose not explicitly covered by
this license, please seek explicit permission from the author(s) by contacting them directly.
The author(s) reserves the right to grant or deny permission based on individual circumstances.

It is essential to note that this license does not grant any rights beyond what is explicitly
stated here. Any use of the code not explicitly allowed by this license is strictly prohibited.

For inquiries, additional permissions, or clarification on specific terms, please contact the author(s).