Minestrappolation 1.7.10-3.3.0
The Environment Update
_Notable Changes_
- Update to Clashsoft Lib 1.7.10-2.7.0.
- Update to Brewing API 1.7.10-3.0.2.
_New Features_
- Added Deepstone and it’s Stonecutter blocks.
- Added Oceanstone and Pressurized Oceanstone and their Stonecutter blocks.
- Added Coldstone and Deep Coldstone and their Stonecutter blocks.
- Added Icestone and Glacierrock and their Stonecutter blocks.
- Added Redrock and Deep Redrock and their Stonecutter blocks.
- Added Edge Bricks and Dark Edge Bricks for most Stone Types.
- Added Colored Lamps.
- Added Deathmeal and Wither Dust.
- Added Wither Blocks and Wither Layers.
- Added Moss Cover and Moss Lump.
- Added Enchanted Stick drops from Witches.
- Added Food Spoiling.
- Moved all Fried Food Items to NBT data.
- Improved Redwood Biome spawn weight.
- Improved the Flint and Steel recipe and texture.
- Fixed Fried Raw Horse Haunches not being craftable.
- Fixed Impact Grenades having a Fuse.
- Fixed various Food Item potion effect durations.