Minestrappolation 1.7.10-3.2.1
The Fast Food Update
_New Features_
- Added Fried variants of just about every food in the game.
- Small Redwood trees can now rarely generate in other biomes.
- Carpenter’s Benches now use OreDictionary recipes.
- Replaced Plating System with Item Addon system.
- Improved Redwood Log textures.
- Improved and fixed Redwood Sapling growth mechanics.
- Fixed Poison Sacks not making Swords poisonous.
- Fixed Platings replacing Horns and vice-versa, making Horned Plated Swords impossible.
- Fixed Melter NEI ‘usage’ functionality not working.
- Fixed Carpenter’s Bench placement behavior.
- Fixed Tools not losing durability.
- Fixed Magma fluid displacements and flow length.
- Fixed Flowing Magma texture resolution.
- Fixed Magma Bucket duplication glitch.
- Fixed missing armor textures for Titanium, Blazium and Meurodite Armor.
- Fixed Cobbled, Gravel, Sand, Red Sand, and Soul Steel Roads’ speed bonuses.
- Fixed Godstone igniting non-undead mobs.
- Fixed Fried Foods being crafted with Fat instead of Grease.
- Fixed Melters and Stonecutters facing the wrong way in the inventory.