Spacecraft Orbit/Attitude Simulation
This repository is for AstroROS : ADR simulator for On-Orbit Servicing.
This repo is a fork repo from .
Every changes (even they are trivial) will be applied in this repo and revised version will be uploaded in original repository.
- Install ROS noetic(ubuntu 20.04)
- Clone "reaction_wheel_tentacle_ws" (do not care about "orbit_simulator_matlab")
git clone
- Get into "reaction_wheel_tentacle_ws" and build workspace
cd reaction_wheel_tentacle_ws && catkin build
- Source "setup.bash" in workspace
source devel/setup.bash
- Launch the project
roslaunch reaction_wheel_main gazebo.launch
Then, gazebo will open and there are two objects in gazebo world.
- give command topics to tentacle satellite. For demo, I use "rqt".
(2024.07.02) This repository doesn't have tentacle command publisher. After update, command publisher will be added in this repo.
2024.07.01 : fork from
2024.07.02 : update
2024.09.18 : update => add new plan
<1> Upload orbit perturbation plugin by gravity gradient (2024.10.31)
<2> Implementation of orbit simulator in C++ with Eigen library(2024.11.31)
<3> Migration from ROS1 to ROS2(2024.12.31)
<4> Application into SpaceROS( (2025.??.??)