Releases: MetisProtocol/metis-replica-node
DeSeq Hardfork Phase 2
This repository is deprecated
please use metis-ansible and metis-charts instead.
Action required
This is a hardfork release, it enables txpool, a block can contain multiple transactions.
The hardfork will be activated on block 16500000(about 7 days later)
ENV updates
Use metisdao docker namespace
This is a medium priority release and you should upgrade in a timely manner.
- the docker images have moved to metisdao docker namespace
- fix http/2 GOAWAY bug for jsonrpc
Optimized DTL
You don't need to upgrade this version.
See the github issue for the details
We also uploaded the l1dtl snapshot to s3, the link will be expired in 7 days
Add inbox address
This is a medium priority release and you should upgrade in a timely manner.
Action Required: Upgrade for DeSeq
- Prepare an ETH L1 node without history prune
Not an archive node, but transaction and event logs should be retained
Since we use p2p to setup a node, you can't trust your peers.
Many transactions, for example, deposits from L1, you can't verify them from p2p.
so it's a security consideration.
If you use your self maintained go-ethereum client
please don't set very high value for following key, 100 is recommended value.
if you use rpc from a third party, the value can set very high like 100k due to they have optimized for the queries.
- Delete configurations for legacy replica node
$ rm -rf ./chaindata/l2geth/keystore
- Update compose file and env
Quick start from snapshots
We provided public aws ebs snapshot for you if you need them.
archived l2geth
You can use the snapshots on aws us-east-1 region, and copy them to another region.
You need to delete the nodekey to enable p2p connections
$ rm -rf ./chaindata/l2geth/geth/nodeky
July 13, 2023
This is a medium priority release and you should upgrade in a timely manner.
- you can submit unprotected, aka non-eip155, transactions on Goerli testnet
Bugs Fix:
- debug tracer panics if a transaction doesn't pay L1 gas fee
- transaction hash is not correct sometime for
Security updates:
- default gas limit for
- default batch limit for jsonrpc call
- bump golang to 1.19
- bump nodejs to 16 LTS
Note: backup your data before upgrading. If there are any issues after upgrading, please give a feedback on GitHub issues
Berlin Hardfork
NOTE: This is a HIGH priority release and you should upgrade as soon as possible.
Metis Andromeda will have Berlin hardfork at block 3380000, you can get more details on the eip page.
L2Geth image tag
file was updated. If you do not use docker compose, you should update it at the same time.
If you upgrade successfully, you will get the following log
INFO [08-16|03:45:07.048] Initialised chain configuration config="{ChainID: 1088 Homestead: 0 DAO: <nil> DAOSupport: false EIP150: 0 EIP155: 0 EIP158: 0 Byzantium: 0 Constantinople: 0 Petersburg: 0 Istanbul: 0, Muir Glacier: 0, Berlin: 3380000, Engine: clique}"
August 8, 2022- Hot fix
NOTE: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.
This version fixes an issue where calls to eth_sendRawTrasaction
were failing. If you do not use this feature, then you do not need to upgrade.
l2geth replica image tag
August 7, 2022
NOTE: This is a HIGH priority release and you should upgrade as soon as possible.and this release requires the database to be dropped.
DTL image tag
l2geth replica image tag