Welcome to my web portfolio. This repository contains the source code for my personal portfolio website, developed as part of the Web Engineering course at the Bern University of Applied Sciences.
Responsive Design: The website is built with a responsive layout, ensuring it looks great on desktop, tablet.
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: The site is primarily developed using HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for interactivity.
Dynamic Elements: The website includes dynamic content, such as interactive forms and project displays, all powered by JavaScript.
Integration of Libraries: Several external libraries and APIs are integrated into the site to enhance its functionality.
Home: Introduces the website with animated text, animated background and a call-to-action scroll indicator.
About: Shares personal and professional information through text.
Skill: Showcases both technical and soft skills with interactive progress bars.
Projects: Displays a dynamic, interactive grid of projects fetched from GitHub.
Contact: Provides links to social media profiles and a mailto link for direct contact.
HTML: The structure of the website.
CSS: For styling, with a focus on using classes and IDs to maintain clean code.
JavaScript: Adds interactivity and dynamic features to the site.
APIs: External APIs are used to fetch and display dynamic data on the website.
Libraries: External JavaScript libraries are integrated to improve the website's functionality and user experience.
Responsive Layout: The site is designed using flexible grids and media queries to ensure it looks and functions well on devices of all sizes, from mobile phones to large desktops.
User Experience: The navigation and overall design are kept simple and intuitive, making the website easy to use.
Accessibility: Best practices in accessibility are followed to ensure the site is usable by all audiences.
Performance: Optimized for fast loading times and smooth transitions.
You can track my progress through the commit history of this repository. Each commit reflects a specific enhancement or feature implementation, documenting the development process over time.
Creative Direction: One of the hardest steps was deciding on the overall look and feel of the website. I found myself restarting several times because I wasn’t satisfied with the direction I had initially taken. This process taught me the value of iteration and not getting stuck in my head but instead taking action to create and improve.
CSS Complexity: While CSS offers endless possibilities for styling and creativity, even small errors can cascade into larger issues, affecting the entire layout or functionality. Debugging these errors was often challenging, and I sometimes struggled to trace the source of a problem.