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McBen edited this page Dec 29, 2012 · 1 revision


Name Pos Size Type Comment
guid 0000 04 DWORD
0004 04 DWORD '=5 (infact this is the hi-dword of the 'guid')
outputlanguage 0008 04 INT
name 000c 04 DWORD =0
name_plural 0010 04 DWORD =0
imageid 0014 04 DWORD
note 0020 04 DWORD =0
shortnote 0024 04 DWORD =0
type 0090 04 DWORD =0
inc_magic 0094 04 DWORD =0
inc_magic_actionrate 0098 04 DWORD =0
inc_magictype 009c 04 DWORD
addonpos_armorpos 00a0 04 INT
addonpos_armortype 00a4 04 INT
addonpos_weapontype 00a8 04 INT
addonpos_weaponpos 00ac 04 DWORD =0
00b0 04 DWORD =200
addonpos_other 00b4 04 INT
eqtype1 00b8 04 DWORD Attribute to change 1
eqtype2 00bc 04 DWORD Attribute to change 2
eqtype3 00c0 04 DWORD Attribute to change 3
eqtype4 00c4 04 DWORD Attribute to change 4
eqtype5 00c8 04 DWORD Attribute to change 5
eqtype6 00cc 04 DWORD Attribute to change 6
eqtype7 00d0 04 DWORD Attribute to change 7
eqtype8 00d4 04 DWORD Attribute to change 8
eqtype9 00d8 04 DWORD Attribute to change 9
eqtype10 00dc 04 DWORD Attribute to change 10
eqtypevalue1 00e0 04 DWORD value for attribute1
eqtypevalue2 00e4 04 DWORD value for attribute2
eqtypevalue3 00e8 04 DWORD value for attribute3
eqtypevalue4 00ec 04 DWORD value for attribute4
eqtypevalue5 00f0 04 DWORD value for attribute5
eqtypevalue6 00f4 04 DWORD value for attribute6
eqtypevalue7 00f8 04 DWORD value for attribute7
eqtypevalue8 00fc 04 DWORD value for attribute8
eqtypevalue9 0100 04 DWORD value for attribute9
eqtypevalue10 0104 04 DWORD value for attribute10
eqtypeonattackmagicrate 0108 04 DWORD =10
eqtypeonattackmagicrank 010c 04 DWORD =0
eqtypeonattackmagicid 0110 04 DWORD =0
isstandardability 0114 04 BOOL
standardability_lv 0118 04 DWORD
standardability_argtype1 011c 04 DWORD =0
standardability_argtype2 0120 04 DWORD =0
standardability_argtype3 0124 04 DWORD =0
standardability_argtype4 0128 04 DWORD =0
standardability_argtype5 012c 04 DWORD =0
standardability_arg1 0130 04 DWORD =0
standardability_arg2 0134 04 DWORD =0
standardability_arg3 0138 04 DWORD =0
standardability_arg4 013c 04 DWORD =0
standardability_arg5 0140 04 DWORD =0
starvalue 0144 04 DWORD
isbirthability 0148 04 BOOL
inherentvalue 014c 04 INT
rarity 0150 04 DWORD
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