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Quick Guide to WolvenKit

Maxzor edited this page Jul 25, 2020 · 3 revisions

Quick Guide to WolvenKit Functions and Modding Actions

Adding game assets to your mod

Full Guide: The Asset Browser

The Asset Browser opens in a new window and let's you look through the game's assets (Files, Textures, Models, etc). There are four different categories of assets:

  1. Bundled Files: These are all files that are compressed inside a Bundle (e.g. blob0.bundle) in the game's data.
  2. Texture Cache: Contains all textures in raw format (e.g. tga). HINT: You can specify the extension to export in the settings.
  3. Collision Cache: Contains specific files with collision data in raw format (e.g. apb).
  4. Sound Cache: Contains the audio files of the game.

Asset Browser

The asset browser works like a file system: You can navigate through the game's folders like in Windows Explorer.

  • Double click on a file to add it to the list of files to add (displayed on the right-hand side)
  • Right click on a folder and you have the option to "select all files of folder"
  • To add the selected files to your mod project click either Add to Mod or Add to DLC.

Editing textures in WolvenKit

Adding files from an existing mod

Editing scripts in WolvenKit