Welcome to this Log Maker.
Download the files or git clone https://github.com/MattiooFR/log-maker-100-days
and write python main.py
in your terminal where the files are located to generate a log.md as this example.
- Python version should be 3.6 or above as I'm using the f-string format
- Dateparser module,
pipenv|pip|conda install dateparser
if you want to chose a date other than today
If you want to generate a log from a specific date you can do it this way :
python main.py 22 december 2019
This will generate a log.md starting from the December 22, 2019. Check the dateparser doc to see all the available date format.
Available options when running the program :
-o, --overwrite : overwrite if file already exist
-d, --duration : custom challenge duration
-f, --filename : custom generated filename, default is 'log.md'
-t, --type : change the generated filetype, default is 'md'(markdown), available : 'html'
-u, --update : update a log.md file that already exist by removing the missed days and adding them as new days at the end
- Update existing file if days are missed during challenge
- New output format (html, excel, ...)
- Make a live website log generator for challenge
- Choose any type of challenge (not just code)
- Implement ninja2 library to generate the html with a template
- Use BeautifulSoup library to parse html file