This website theme is based on Caly53 jekyll enhancements of the original tufte-css, and slightly modified.
You can find an Github Pages implemention here
- Either fork/clone or create a new empty Github repository
- Copy this (master-branch) repository and put it in your local machine's github directory
- Commite it to Github
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install chruby ruby-install xz
ruby-install ruby
echo "source $(brew --prefix)/opt/chruby/share/chruby/" >> ~/.zshrc
echo "source $(brew --prefix)/opt/chruby/share/chruby/" >> ~/.zshrc
echo "chruby ruby-3.1.2" >> ~/.zshrc
gem install jekyll
gem install jekyll bundler
jekyll build
bundle config set --local path vendor/bundle
bundle install
bundle add webrick
Check the versions with
jekyll -v
ruby -v
bundle exec jekyll serve
Check your website via your favorite browser at
Abort the local server with CTRL
Kill the processes (if necessary) by first checking their PID with lsof -wni tcp:4000
and then kill -9 PID-Number
You will need to create a Github Personal Access Token
, which you will use as instead of your Github password once the rake
CLI process prompt you.
Your Github user
The Github Personal Access Token. (Be aware, that the token has a limited period of validity, so you may have to renew it from time to tome
rake rakefile publish
rake -f UploadToGithub.Rakefile publish
- Check Gummesson's Jekyll Rake Boilerplate Tutorial
- Create an .md file and save it in the master-branch draft folder
- Deploy