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get_pair_lasci safety commit
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Towards an efficient pairwise relaxation
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MatthewRHermes committed Jul 23, 2024
1 parent 75cd8b0 commit ad712de
Showing 1 changed file with 124 additions and 16 deletions.
140 changes: 124 additions & 16 deletions my_pyscf/mcscf/lasscf_async/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,20 +128,23 @@ def _update_impham_1_(self, veff, dm1s, e_tot=None):
df_eris_mem_error = MemoryError (("Density-fitted two-electron integrals in asynchronous "
"LASSCF (outcore algorithm is not yet supported"))
if getattr (mf, 'with_df', None) is not None:
# TODO: impurity outcore cderi
if not self._is_mem_enough (df_naux = mf.with_df.get_naoaux ()):
raise df_eris_mem_error
self.with_df._cderi = np.empty ((mf.with_df.get_naoaux (), nimp*(nimp+1)//2),
ijmosym, mij_pair, moij, ijslice = ao2mo.incore._conc_mos (imporb_coeff, imporb_coeff,
b0 = 0
for eri1 in mf.with_df.loop ():
b1 = b0 + eri1.shape[0]
eri2 = self._cderi[b0:b1]
eri2 = ao2mo._ao2mo.nr_e2 (eri1, moij, ijslice, aosym='s2', mosym=ijmosym,
b0 = b1
if getattr (self, 'with_df', None) is not None:
# TODO: impurity outcore cderi
if not self._is_mem_enough (df_naux = mf.with_df.get_naoaux ()):
raise df_eris_mem_error
self.with_df._cderi = np.empty ((mf.with_df.get_naoaux (), nimp*(nimp+1)//2),
ijmosym, mij_pair, moij, ijslice = ao2mo.incore._conc_mos (imporb_coeff, imporb_coeff,
b0 = 0
for eri1 in mf.with_df.loop ():
b1 = b0 + eri1.shape[0]
eri2 = self._cderi[b0:b1]
eri2 = ao2mo._ao2mo.nr_e2 (eri1, moij, ijslice, aosym='s2', mosym=ijmosym,
b0 = b1
self._eri = self.with_df.ao2mo (imporb_coeff, compact=True)
if getattr (mf, '_eri', None) is None:
if not mf._is_mem_enough ():
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -806,6 +809,12 @@ def my_h_op (x):
return g_orb, my_gorb_update, my_h_op, h_diag

class ImpurityLASCI_HessianOperator (lasci_sync.LASCI_HessianOperator):
def _init_dms_(self, casdm1frs, casdm2fr):
lasci_sync.LASCI_HessianOperator._init_dms_(self, casdm1frs, casdm2fr)
ncore, nocc, nroots = self.ncore, self.nocc, self.nroots
self.dm1rs = np.stack ([self.dm1s,]*nroots, axis=0)
self.dm1rs[:,:,ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc] = self.casdm1rs

def _init_ham_(self, h2eff_sub, veff):
lasci_sync.LASCI_HessianOperator._init_ham_(self, h2eff_sub, veff)
las, mo_coeff, ncore, nocc = self.las, self.mo_coeff, self.ncore, self.nocc
Expand All @@ -821,18 +830,84 @@ def _init_ham_(self, h2eff_sub, veff):
i = sum (self.ncas_sub[:ix])
j = i + self.ncas_sub[ix]
h1rs[:,:,:,:] += self.h1rs[:,:,i:j,i:j]
# NOTE: this accounts for ci_response_diag

def _init_orb_(self):
for w, h1s, casdm1s in zip (self.weights, self.h1rs, self.casdm1rs):
dh1s = h1s[:,ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc] - self.h1s[:,ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc]
self.fock1[:,ncore:nocc] += w * (dh1s[0] @ casdm1s[0] + dh1s[1] @ casdm1s[1])

# TODO: update hessian-vector elements
def ci_response_offdiag (self, kappa1, h1s_prime):
ncore, nocc, ncas_sub, nroots = self.ncore, self.nocc, self.ncas_sub, self.nroots
kappa1_cas = kappa1[ncore:nocc,:]
h1frs = [np.zeros_like (h1) for h1 in h1frs_prime]
## edit begin for hcore_rs
h1rs_cas = self.h1rs[:,:,:,ncore:nocc]
h1_core = -np.tensordot (kappa1_cas, h1rs_cas, axes=((1),(2))).transpose (1,2,0,3)
h1_core += h1_core.transpose (0,1,3,2)
## edit end for hcore_rs
h2 = -np.tensordot (kappa1_cas, self.eri_paaa, axes=1)
h2 += h2.transpose (2,3,0,1)
h2 += h2.transpose (1,0,3,2)
# ^ h2 should also include + h.c.
for j, casdm1s in enumerate (self.casdm1rs):
for i, (h1rs, h1rs_prime) in enumerate (zip (h1frs, h1frs_prime)):
k = sum (ncas_sub[:i])
l = k + ncas_sub[i]
h1s, h1s_prime = h1rs[j], h1rs_prime[j]
dm1s = casdm1s.copy ()
dm1s[:,k:l,k:l] = 0.0 # no double-counting
dm1 = dm1s.sum (0)
h1s[:,:,:] = h1_core[j][:,k:l,k:l].copy ()
h1s[:,:,:] += np.tensordot (h2, dm1, axes=2)[None,k:l,k:l]
h1s[:,:,:] -= np.tensordot (dm1s, h2, axes=((1,2),(2,1)))[:,k:l,k:l]
#h1s[:,:,:] += h1s.transpose (0,2,1)
h1s[:,:,:] += h1s_prime[:,:,:]
Kci0 = self.Hci_all (None, h1frs, h2,
Kci0 = [[Kc - c*( (Kc)) for Kc, c in zip (Kcr, cr)]
for Kcr, cr in zip (Kci0,]
# ^ The definition of the unitary group generator compels you to do this always!!!
return Kci0

def orbital_response (self, kappa1, odm1s, ocm2, tdm1rs, tcm2, veff_prime):
kappa2 = lasci_sync.LASCI_Hessian_operator.orbital_response (
self, kappa1, odm1s, ocm2, tdm1rs, tcm2, veff_prime
h1rs = self.h1rs - self.h1s[None,:,:,:]
odm1rs = (self.dm1rs, kappa1)
odm1rs += odm1rs.transpose (0,1,3,2)
edm1rs = odm1rs + tdm1rs
for w, h, d in zip (self.weights, h1rs, edm1rs):
fock1 = h[0] @ d[0] + h[1] @ d[1]
kappa2 += w * (fock1 - fock1.T)
return kappa2

class ImpurityLASCI (lasci.LASCINoSymm):
_hop = ImpurityLASCI_HessianOperator
# TODO: get_grad_orb, but it's actually only used for debugging in the kernel

def get_grad_orb (las, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, h2eff_sub=None, veff=None, dm1s=None, hermi=-1):
gorb = lasci.LASCINoSymm.get_grad_orb (las, mo_coeff=mo_coeff, ci=ci, h2eff_sub=h2eff_sub,
veff=veff, dm1s=dm1s, hermi=hermi)
if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = las.mo_coeff
nao, nmo = las.mo_coeff.shape
ncore, ncas = las.ncore, las.ncas
nocc = ncore + ncas
mo_cas = mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc]
dh1_rs = (self.get_hcore_rs () - self.get_hcore ()[None,None,:,:], mo_cas)
dh1_rs = np.tensordot (mo_coeff.conj (), dh1_rs, axes=((0),(2))).transpose (1,2,0,3)
casdm1rs = las.states_make_casdm1s (ci=ci)
f = np.zeros ((nmo,nmo), dtype=gorb.dtype)
for w, h, d in zip (las.weights, dh1_rs, casdm1rs):
f[:,ncore:nocc] += w * (h[0] @ d[0] + h[1] @ d[1])
if hermi == -1:
return gorb + f - f.T
elif hermi == 1:
return gorb + .5*(f+f.T)
elif hermi == 0:
return gorb + f
raise ValueError ("kwarg 'hermi' must = -1, 0, or +1")

def h1e_for_las (las, mo_coeff=None, ncas=None, ncore=None, nelecas=None, ci=None,
ncas_sub=None, nelecas_sub=None, veff=None, h2eff_sub=None, casdm1s_sub=None,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -903,6 +978,39 @@ def get_impurity_casscf (las, ifrag, imporb_builder=None):
imc.__dict__.update (params.get (ifrag, {}))
return imc

def get_pair_lasci (las, frags):
stdout = getattr (las, '_flas_stdout', None)
if stdout is not None: stdout = stdout.get (unfrozen_frags, None)
output = getattr (las.mol, 'output', None)
if not ((output is None) or (output=='/dev/null')):
output = output + '.' + '.'.join ([str (s) for s in frags])
imol = ImpurityMole (las, output=output, stdout=stdout)
imf = ImpurityHF (imol)
ncas_sub = [las.ncas_sub[i] for i in frags]
nelecas_sub = [las.nelecas_sub[i] for i in frags]
ilas = ImpurityLASCI (imf, ncas_sub, nelecas_sub)
charges, spins, smults, wfnsyms = lasci.get_space_info (las)
ilas.state_average_(weights=las.weights, charges=charges[:,frags], spins=spins[:,frags],
smults=smults[:,frags], wfnsyms=wfnsyms[:,frags])
def imporb_builder (mo_coeff, dm1s, veff, fock1, **kwargs):
idx = np.zeros (mo_coeff.shape[1], dtype=bool)
for ix in frags:
i = ncore + sum (las.ncas_sub[:ix])
j = i + las.ncas_sub[ix]
idx[i:j] = True
fo_coeff = mo_coeff[:,idx]
nelec_f = sum ([sum (n) for n in nelecas_sub])
return fo_coeff, nelec_f
ilas._imporb_builder = imporb_builder
params = getattr (las, 'relax_params', {})
glob = {key: val for key, val in params.items () if isinstance (key, str)}
glob = {key: val for key, val in glob.items () if key not in ('frozen', 'frozen_ci')}
ilas.__dict__.update (glob)
loc = params.get (tuple (frags), {})
loc = {key: val for key, val in loc.items () if key not in ('frozen', 'frozen_ci')}
ilas.__dict__.update (loc)
return ilas

if __name__=='__main__':
from mrh.tests.lasscf.c2h6n4_struct import structure as struct
mol = struct (1.0, 1.0, '6-31g', symmetry=False)
Expand Down

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