The MATLAB code runs Python to use PyROOT for extracting data from a ROOT file. Running this package requires the compatibility of three platforms: MATLAB, Python, and ROOT. The version for each platform used here is listed below:
MATLAB version R2021b
Python version 3.8
ROOT version 6.30.04
Begin by creating a Python environment from within a MATLAB session with the command:
You will also need to know the path to your ROOT installation to execute the thisroot.bat script.
The main entry point is the MATLAB script root2struct.mlx View the Example.mlx file for context. The code file ".m" counterparts are included here for visibility.
The Python scripts and are helper files used in root2struct.mlx, taking advantage of PyROOT.
The Python script generates the py-hsimple2.root file used in the example. It is modified from the file found in the PyROOT tutorial: