Structural Health Monitoring On The Go - SHMOTG
This project allows the user to zoom and scan through their SHM data using an interface like the one in this static demo:
The thesis paper can be found at
The html server uses the files in ~/shmotg, which are sync'd with the master git branch.
The visualization data server runs in ~/www and is sync'd with the server branch.
Run metascraper.js to bin data. Example for girder 6:
cd ~/www/Server
node metascraper.js
If some higher levels are not binned, run metarebinner.js on level 16. Example for sensor 6:
cd ~/www
node Server/metarebinner.js 2011 01 2013 01 16 6
Then restart the server:
forever Server/serv.js
Other binning scripts are found in the Server folder.