ReasonML language plugin for idea
Please see the wiki.
Other features:
- Line and block commenting
- Pair braces matcher
- Reformat using
(presscrtl alt shift R
on Mac) - Reformat on save
- Works natively on Windows
Make sure
"namespace": false
is set inbsconfig.json
to enable inferred types hints in the editor.
- Be patient
- Give this project some love, star it or star the plugin page in intellij repository
- Fill the github repo with specific issues
- Support my work with liberapay
- Support my work with paypal-me
List of templates that may help development.
abbrevation: jsp
, description: create a jsProps in wrapReasonForJs
abbreviation: style
, description: create a style module
module Styles = {
open Css;
let $VAR$ = style([
abbreviation: comp
, description: create a reason component
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("$NAME$");
let make = (~$PROP$, _children) => {...component, render: _self => <div />};
JS interop
expose an helper for js - can be deleted when no more used by javascript code
let jsComponent =
ReasonReact.wrapReasonForJs(~component, jsProps =>
make(~$PROP$=jsProps##$PROP$, [||])
Why don't you consider using Language Server Protocol ?
Mainly because I want a strong integration in the IDE and I need a first class support of Windows.
What versions does the plugin support at the moment?
It should work with idea 15
How is it different than ocaml language plugin?
I wanted to have a plugin dedicated to reason and that's why I created one called reasonml, not ocaml. Then I realised that I still need ocaml support and that people are asking for it.
I started this plugin by studying and copying parts of the ocaml plugin, but now the 2 projects are taking different orientations, technically.
I am moving away from merlin and trying to use the most of Intellij structures.
Now, they have incompatible implementations, and different goals.
This project is heavily inspired by :
- custom language tutorial from intellij
- ocaml language plugin from sidharthkuruvila ( 👍 )