GitHubExplorer let you see some statistics about the repositories of your choice. Like :
- Users participation
- Commits per users
- Activities in time
These statistics are going to be saved in a database so you can look at previous requests. The idea in this project is to learn web technologies by using :
- Jekyll
- Git
- AngularJs
- Chartjs
- MongoDB
- Grunt
- Jquery
- Express
- Bootstrap
- Node
- Heroku
- ui-router
- npm
And the following languages :
- Javascript
We also are using asynchronous programming with promises. All the data you'll see are directly from the GitHub API
You can jump in the application landing page with the following link :
If you want to go directly to the GitHubExplorer app page, you can by following this link :
first be sure to have the following technologies installed :
- git
- grunt
- jekyll
- node
- npm
- docker
then you can clone this repo with the following command :
$ git clone [email protected]:MathieuUrstein/HEIG.TWEB.Project01.git
Now that you have the repo and npm, you can install all the needed dependencies by typing the following command :
$ npm install
The landing page is made differently than the rest of the app. This is because it will be hosted on github using Jekyll.
If you want to edit it, you have to go the gh-pages branch
$ git checkout gh-pages
$ git pull
Then, if you want to see the changes you do, you have to set the following command to start a server (the local server adress will be shown in the console).
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
The compiled website will be found in
Once you have installed all dependencies, you can watch every new modifications to be taken with :
$ grunt watch
or if you want to manually do it just type :
$ grunt
The visible part of the application can be found in the following folder :
If you want to serve the application dynamically with node and therefore benefits the history capabilities, you have to start a mongodb instance. You can do it with the following command :
$ docker build -t mongogithubexplorer .
$ docker run -p 27017:27017 mongogithubexplorer
optionally you can try to connect to mongodb using :
$ mongo
Then start the server with :
$ node index.js
the app will be accssible at the following url : http://localhost:5000/
The configuration variables can be found in the /index.js file.
- Template :
- Style guide :
- Sébastien Boson
- Mathieu Urstein