Ticketing Website - Managing Small Event-Driven Distributed System
- NATS Streaming Server Implementation
- Using Docker and Kubernetes (w/ minikube) - Including Ingress-Nginx, all services and the database were deployed with their exposed services
- Build my own common NPM library - https://www.npmjs.com/package/@yemini/common (a readme for this package will be published soon)
- The Services are written with: Node.js , Express , TypeScript , JavaScript
- The Client is written with: React.js and Next.js as Server Side Redered App
- MongoDB as my database (Documents)
- Tests with jest, supertest and mongodb-memory-server
All K8S configurations are in:infra/k8s
- It includes all the deployments and services of all the microservices in the repository
- NATS Streaming deployment and service
- MongoDB deployments and services
- Ingress-Nginx deployment and service
- Includes configuratons for google cloud
The Authentication middleware is handled in the custom package using JWT
The Error Handling middlewate is handled in the custom package
The 'Common' folder includes the custom NPM package not finished yet..
-- Now I am building the CI using digital ocean
You can read my post on the implementation process in: https://medium.com/beyond-coding/nats-streaming-server-in-the-node-js-world-with-kubernetes-how-to-guide-2595dd598acc
You can get the graphes from the folder 'graphes' and open it with draw io