JavaScript library for intercepting AJAX / XHR calls performed by a website in order to:
perform reverse engineering of communication between front-end and back-end; and
perform data extraction (a.k.a scraping) of such a website.
- Getting Started
- Processing AJAX Responses
- Gathering Data
- Pause Interception
- Debug Mode
- Working with Selnium
- Disclaimer
Open a browser where you can access your Facebook profile.
Go to this URL to see the latest posts in the Facebook groups where you are joined to:
- Press CTRL+SHIFT+I to open the Developer Tools:
- Inject intercept.js the the webpage.
In the console tab, paste the source code of intercept.js and press ENTER.
- Initialize intercept.js:
- Scroll down to load new posts, and see the URLs of the AJAX calls in the console.
Initialize intercept.js with a custom parsing function.
E.g.: The code below extract the content of each post from the AJAX response.
parse: function(xhr) {
var s = null; // complete response text
var ar = null; // array of lines in the response text
var x = null; // line in the response text
var t = null; // response text wrapped in array
var j = null; // response json
// get the content of all the posts
if (xhr._url == '/api/graphql/') {
s = xhr.responseText;
ar = s.split("\n");
for (let z = 0; z < ar.length; z++) {
x = ar[z];
// JSON is not a valid json, you must wrap it in array.
t = '['+x+']';
j = JSON.parse(t)[0];
if (x.startsWith('{"label":"CometNewsFeed_viewerConnection$stream$CometNewsFeed_viewer_news_feed"')) {
let a =;
if (a != null) {
console.log('POST: ' + a.text);
Additioonally to logging the contents, you can store them into the $$.data
console.log('POST: ' + a.text);
Every time you call the $$.push
metod you add an element into the array $$.data
// => 1
You can clean up both arrays: $$.data
and $$.calls
by calling the $$.reset
You can pause interception:
You can resume interception:
You can check if interception is running or not:
// => true
You can request intercept.js to store all the requests and their responses into an array.
You can also define the debugging mode when initialize:
debug: true,
parse: function(xhr) {
// ...
Such a feature is useful for developers, when they are performing reverse engieering of a website.
// => 64
// => '/ajax/navigation/'
You can check if intercept.js is running in debug mode or not:
// => false
Such a feature is resourses consuming too, and it should keep disabled in production environment.
You can automate your web-scraping using Selenium, injecting the intercept.js library using the Chrome DevTools Protocol (a.k.a. CDP).
You can find a full example here.
Such an example is written in Ruby, but you can use any other lenguage like Phyton if you want.
Such an example is using AdsPower Client to operate stealth browsers, but you can use the old fashion Selenium/Webdriver if you want.
In this secton, we explain such an example line by line.
- In your Ruby script, include the requried libraries:
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
require 'adspower-client'
- Create the AdsPower client:
key = '*************8c95acbf*************'
client = key);
- Start the browser:
id = 'jdu****'
driver = client.driver(id)
- Get source code of intercept.js library:
uri = URI.parse('')
js1 = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
- Get the source code of the scraper:
uri = URI.parse('')
js2 = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
- Injecting the library into the browser using CDP:
driver.execute_cdp("Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument", source: js1+js2)
- Get the URL to scrape:
url = ''
- Waiting for the page to load:
- Reset the interceptor:
- Clicking to load posts with ajax:
a = driver.find_element(:css, 'a[href="/?filter=groups&sk=h_chr"]')
- Waiting for the AJAX to load:
- Getting the list of scraped posts:
s = driver.execute_script('return JSON.stringify($$.data)')
arr = JSON.parse(s)
Use this library at your own risk.