A TypeScript SDK for interacting with MongoDB Atlas Data API with full IntelliSense support for query operators.
Alternative for Native MongoDB SDK
npm install masfana-mongodb-api-sdk
Node.js version 14 or higher.
A MongoDB Atlas account with Data API enabled. Learn how to set up MongoDB Atlas Data API.
TypeScript project setup (if you're using TypeScript).
- Auth With Hono Simple authentication using Hono and Cloudflare Worker
To use this SDK, you need to enable the Data API in your MongoDB Atlas cluster. Here’s a brief guide:
Log in to your MongoDB Atlas account.
Go to App Services and click Create new application.
Enable the Data API for your application.
Copy the App ID and API Key from the Data API section.
To use the SDK, you'll need to configure the MongoDB environment variables in your project. Create a .env
file in the root of your project:
touch .env
If you're using TypeScript, ensure that you have a basic tsconfig.json set up:
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "ES6",
"module": "CommonJS",
"outDir": "./dist",
"strict": true,
"esModuleInterop": true
"include": ["src/**/*.ts"],
"exclude": ["node_modules"]
Create a src/index.ts
file where you'll write your code.
Import the SDK and define the types for your MongoDB documents.
Initialize the MongoDB API with environment variables.
Use the provided CRUD methods (
import { MongoDBAPI } from "mongodb-data-api-sdk";
import * as dotenv from "dotenv";
// Define the type of the documents in your MongoDB collection
type Task = {
text: string;
status: string;
completedAt?: Date;
// Initialize the MongoDB API SDK with environment variables
const env = {
DATABASE: process.env.DATABASE!,
const mongoAPI = new MongoDBAPI<Task>(env);
// Example usage of the SDK
async function run() {
try {
// Find a single document where the task status is "complete"
const task = await mongoAPI.findOne({ status: { $eq: "complete" } });
console.log("Found task:", task);
// Insert a new task
const insertResult = await mongoAPI.insertOne({ text: "Clean the kitchen", status: "open" });
console.log("Inserted task with ID:", insertResult.insertedId);
// Find all tasks with status "open", sort by `completedAt` field, and return only `text` and `status` fields
const tasks = await mongoAPI.find(
{ status: { $eq: "open" } },
{ text: 1, status: 1 },
{ completedAt: -1 },
10 // Limit to 10 results
console.log("Found tasks:", tasks);
// Update a task to mark it as "complete"
const updateResult = await mongoAPI.updateOne({ text: "Clean the kitchen" }, { status: "complete" });
console.log("Updated task:", updateResult);
// Delete a task
const deleteResult = await mongoAPI.deleteOne({ text: "Clean the kitchen" });
console.log("Deleted task:", deleteResult.deletedCount);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
To run the example code, ensure you’ve set up your TypeScript project and compiled your code:
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Compile TypeScript code
npm run build
# Run the compiled JavaScript code
node dist/index.js
### CRUD Operations Overview
- Find One Document
const task = await mongoAPI.findOne({ status: { $eq: "complete" } });
- Find Many Documents
const tasks = await mongoAPI.find(
{ status: { $eq: "open" } }, // Filter
{ text: 1, status: 1 }, // Projection (fields to include)
{ completedAt: -1 }, // Sort by completedAt descending
10 // Limit results to 10
- Insert One Document
const insertResult = await mongoAPI.insertOne({ text: "Buy groceries", status: "open" });
- Update One Document
const updateResult = await mongoAPI.updateOne({ text: "Buy groceries" }, { status: "complete" });
- Delete One Document
const deleteResult = await mongoAPI.deleteOne({ text: "Buy groceries" });
Here are some common MongoDB query operators supported by this SDK:
: Matches values that are equal to a specified value. -
: Matches values that are not equal to a specified value. -
: Matches values that are greater than a specified value. -
: Matches values that are greater than or equal to a specified value. -
: Matches values that are less than a specified value. -
: Matches values that are less than or equal to a specified value. -
: Matches any of the values specified in an array. -
: Matches none of the values specified in an array. -
: Matches documents where the field exists.
The SDK is fully type-safe, so your code will have IntelliSense support for query operators and MongoDB operations. Here's an example of how IntelliSense helps you with MongoDB operators like $eq
, $gt
, and more:
const filter = {
status: { $eq: "complete" },
completedAt: { $gt: new Date("2023-01-01") }