A software that plans a trajectory for the end-effector of the youBot mobile manipulator (a mobile base with four mecanum wheels and a 5R robot arm), performs odometry as the chassis moves, and performs feedback control to drive the youBot to pick up a block at a specified location, carry it to a desired location, and put it down.
* youBot Kinematics Simulator and csv Output
* Reference Trajectory Generation
* FeedBack Control
* Combine All
def NextState(config, control, dt, speed, g)
- config : current chassis configuration
- control : desired velocity of arm joint and wheel
- dt : timesteps
- speed: maximum limited speed
- g : graspping state
- new_config : Next chassis Configuration
def TrajectoryGenerator(Tse_i, Tsc_i, Tsc_f, Tce_g, Tce_s,k)
- Tse_i : Initial end effector transformation matrix in S frame
- Tsc_i : Inital cube transformation matrix in S frame
- Tsc_f : Final cube transformation matrix in S frame
- Tce_g : The end-effector's configuration relative to the cube when it is grasping the cube
- Tce_s : The end-effector's standoff configuration above the cube, before and after grasping, relative to the cube
- k : The number of trajectory reference configurations per 0.01 seconds
- A csv file with the entire eight-segment reference trajectory
- output format : `r11, r12, r13, r21, r22, r23, r31, r32, r33, px, py, pz, gripper state'
def FeedbackControl(Xd, Xd_next, X, Kp, Ki, dt, Jarm, Jbase)
- Xd : The current end-effector reference configuration
- Xd_next : The end-effector reference configuration at the next timestep in the reference trajectory
- X : The current actual end-effector configuration X
- Kp & Ki : The PI gain matrices Kp and Ki.
- dt : The timestep Δt between reference trajectory configurations.
- Jarm: Jacobian of arms
- Jbase : Jacobian of base
- velocity : Velocity command for reaching next steps
- X_error : Error
def Essential_function(phi, x, y, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)
- phi : Rotation of the chassis
- x : x-axis orientation
- y : y-axis orientation
- a1 : First joint angle
- a2 : Second joint angle
- a3 : Third joint anlge
- a4 : Forth joint angle
- a5 : Fifth joint angle
- x_q_theta : current joint configuration
- jarm : arm jacobian
- jbase : base jacobian
Go to : ./code
Run : python3 script.py
The Picture of the simulation
video can be found in