• Key Features • How To Use • License • Credits • KWoC •
We are more than excited to be a part of Kharagpur Winter of Code. If you're contributing as a part of this program, we will be having a special mention of such contributors in the repo. Once again, Happy coding
- Based on Python
- Powered by Django
- Access secured only to registered students
- Study materials, placement/internship news, contacts all in here
- Open to contribution ✌️
Start off by cloning this repository into your local directory.
> git clone https://github.com/NIT-DGPortal/portal-main.git
If you prefer virtual-environment (pipenv suggested) get yourself these packages in it. Initiate a python 3 environment
> pipenv --three
Here is what your Pipfile will appear when you're ready to go
django = "*" gunicorn = "*" django-heroku = "*" django-crispy-forms = "*" django-registration = "*" requests = "*"
Activate your virtual environment
> pipenv shell
Run these commands in your terminal.
> python manage.py runserver
Navigate to http://localhost:8000 to see it in action.
Head to How-to-Contribute for it.
Exactly putting we want it to be simple are permissive. Interested contributors are heartedly welcomed. 😊
- The initial version was made in just a span of 27 hours,yes it was that short ✨
- Authentication and Profile credits to Satyajit Das
- CSS,Bootstrap Rendering realised by Anoop Kumar
- General codebase and framework by Monsij Biswal
For more info head to Wiki for more information
Cheers :fun: